Re: Company bans nengajos!
"Ken Yasumoto-Nicolson" <> wrote in message
> Due to the new Information Protection Act, or whatever it's called in
> English or Japanese, we have had a message from on high that the lists
> of home addresses of our team members is Personal Information, thus
> cannot be taken out of the company without sacrificing your first-born.
All I know is it's been providing me with a lot of work these days, as every
high-tech company with more than 2 employees is scrambling to come up with a
"privacy policy." Since they all seem to be copying each other, I'm getting
paid to do a lot of copying and pasting...
The thing is, when you read these policies it doesn't make you feel any
better. They basically say, yeah, we won't give your information out to
anyone, unless it's one of our contractors and they promise to use it
nicely, or the government asks us for it, or we really really feel like it
and we put a notice up on an obscure corner of our Website.
Ryan Ginstrom
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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