Re: The Real Nintendo Revolution?
It would certainly explain why there are 4 gamecube controller ports on the
side of the console.......if that is what they are anyway.
"G" <> wrote in message
> The Nintendo Press Conference at E3 is normally FULL of amazing games and
> announcements, as well as a much more in depth view of the next console.
> This year, the conference was a tad shit, the Revolution was not really
> shown except for the design of the casing - and a new Micro Gameboy was
> put on display. New Zelda was good!
> Throughout the news conference, the top dog at Ninty hinted at some form
> of puzzle, if you want to work out what the revolution is all about. He
> also hinted at the left or RIGHT side of the brain being important to
> He was also on the verge of laughing, and not taking the press conference
> serious - he was joking around and extremely laid back which was not
> normal.
> So...the conference was weird.
> Reginald Aim Fils. His name has been linked to a domain name, and that
> domain name is . He tried to hide his name, but
> people managed to work it out.
> Next:
> That domain name has a video clip, and the URL of the video is COMPLETELY
> DIFFERENT FORMAT to IGN's usual hype / hoax videos which suggests that
> this is being treated differently. Are they in on this?
> The colours sof the device in the video MATCH the colours of the
> revolution on this page:
> Next have a look at these:
> Getting excited yet guys?
> Man, I really really hope that is the real revolution, man I will wet my
> pants!!! Remember, Nintendo have already said they want to change the way
> we SEE and FEEL games with the revolution...
> Go check it out!!!
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