new hernia treatmen
Dear community,
I would like to tell you about a new spinal hernia treatment that is not
widely known in the world. My family have had remarkable first-hand
experience of it.
Perhaps you would like to publish information about this treatment it in the
section of your newspaper dealing with health matters.
My wife Elena Konovalov-Belozerova is violinist in ``Het Brabants Orkest??
in Eindhoven.
She is 34 years old and three years ago began to be troubled by back
problems, which grew worse and worse. She had to resort to strong
pain-killers and could hardly do anything at home - where she is caring for
tree young children - or at work.
It transpired that she had a hernia of the disc that was increasing in
Because an operation would have been too risky we searched for alternatives
and thanks to our Russian background, found a method of treatment that was
being used in Moscow.
It originated in the realm of military medicine and initially was intended
for test pilots and cosmonauts, who during every flight are exposed to
G-forces and, as a consequence of severe pressure, often develop back
problems. The fact that in Russia people often can not have expensive
operations and there's no money for costly devices gave Russian doctors food
for thought. They realize that they needed something simple yet effective
and eventually came up with an invention called the "Gravitrin". Basically
this is nothing more than a bed made of plastic ribs. Your head and legs lie
in balance and the bed vibrates a little. The trick is that the body is
stretched because of its own weight and pressure on the nerves disappears.
After using the "Gravitrin" my wife was able to walk again and no longer
experienced a horrible pain. Of course she still has to be cautious about
lifting anything heavy, but she can now cope easily with work and family. We
have a lightweight version of the "Gravitrin" on which my wife reclines for
several minutes at the end of every long day, with the result that the pain
leaves her back. Her physiotherapist is so enthusiastic about the apparatus
that she has bought a "Gravitrin" for her own center.
If you find this subject interesting, I shall be happy to supply more
Kind regards,
Vadim Konovalov
e-mail :
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