"etaka" <etaka@yahoo.com> wrote in message

> Yes, but I wonder why a fraud would bother with the risk someone who
> lost a similar amount

Nobody actually loses a similar amount. That person would have to give
proofs that he/she lost it.

>might unknowingly claim it as their own (or
> worse, report the crime of the loss), or that police or tax officials
> will view them with suspicion. Why not just keep their stash hidden or
> in a safe deposit box? If they can keep their spending under control,

If you had a few okus , you couldn't spend them discretly. OTOH, you lose
them, find them, wait a little and you can freely buy a house or two.

> people probably won't notice them living beyond their apparent means.

You're kidding. You've never heard of people being checked by tax inspectors
? In addition, if they are politicians or businessmen, that can start an
investigation about bribes or stolen public money.
