(IV$(D??(BN): ISRAEL VIEJO est$(D??(B CLAVADO a su YESHUA (JES$(D??(BS) por sus HERIDAS profundas perpetuamente:
S$(D??(Bbado, 03 de Diciembre, 2016 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoam$(D??(Brica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo)
(Nuestro amor, p$(D??(Bsame y oraciones son para todas las familias de cuba que lamentan la partida de su gran l$(D??(Bder abanderizador del cambio americano Fidel Casto. $(D??(Bl se encuentra en la presencia sant$(D??(Bsima de nuestro Padre celestial, porque su Hijo Jesucristo muri$(D??(B por $(D??(Bl, derramando su sangre sant$(D??(Bsima sobre el madero del altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico sobre el monte Si$(D??(Bn, borrando sus pecados, para llenarlo de vida eterna, para siempre. Porque escrito est$(D??(B: Todo aquel que crea en su nombre y sea bautizado ser$(D??(B salvo del poder del infierno y del Juicio venidero de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo y de su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo.
Deseamos tambi$(D??(Bn manifestar nuestro amor, condolencias y abundantes oraciones a todas las familias brasile$(D??(Bas que sufren a sus hijos Chapecoense desaparecidos en el siniestrado avi$(D??(Bn recientemente sobre los cielos de Medell$(D??(Bn, Colombia. Todos ellos se encuentran con nuestro Padre celestial, porque su Hijo Jesucristo los compr$(D??(B con el precio sant$(D??(Bsimo de su sangre reparadora, para que vivan la vida eterna del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo en el nuevo reino de los cielos. $(D??(BAm$(D??(Bn!)
ISRAEL VIEJO est$(D??(B CLAVADO a su YESHUA (JES$(D??(BS) por sus HERIDAS profundas perpetuamente:
Mois$(D??(Bs cuidaba de las ovejas de su suegro Jetro, sacerdote de Madi$(D??(Bn, cerca del Monte Sina$(D??(B, y vio un fuego ardiendo, pero no se regaba en su derredor, entonces despu$(D??(Bs de tres d$(D??(Bas pens$(D??(B que se acercar$(D??(Ba a $(D??(Bl, para ver porque $(D??(Bste fuego extra$(D??(Bo ard$(D??(Ba sin regarse ni cambiar en nada en todo su alrededor, como en los d$(D??(Bas previos. Guiado por el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, Mois$(D??(Bs entr$(D??(B en el fuego del altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, ardiendo apasionadamente, llam$(D??(Bndolo a que se acerque m$(D??(Bs, para su bautismo del fuego de su grande gracia, de su grande misericordia, de su grande verdad y de su grande justicia divina as$(D??(B como su padre Abraham hab$(D??(Ba sido bautizado inicialmente por $(D??(Bste mismo fuego en su d$(D??(Ba.
Nuestro Padre celestial lo hab$(D??(Ba llamado para poderle hablar junto con su Hijo Jesucristo, que realmente era Isaac, ardiendo en su carne del convenio sobre el altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, descendido del cielo con grandes poderes para liberar no solamente a Abraham del pecado, pero tambi$(D??(Bn a los hijos por nacer, para que sean bautizados con su amor eterno: redimi$(D??(Bndolos del mal. Es decir, que nuestro Padre celestial hab$(D??(Ba descendido con su Hijo Jesucristo y con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, para que $(D??(Bl no solamente se encuentre con Mois$(D??(Bs para hablarle de la liberaci$(D??(Bn de Israel del cautiverio Egipcio, pero tambi$(D??(Bn para bautizarlo con el fuego que Abraham e Isaac hab$(D??(Ban encendido inicialmente sobre el monte Si$(D??(Bn, descansando sobre el monte Moriah.
$(D??(Bste es el bautismo del altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico que cumple cabalmente con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo de los Diez Mandamientos, que nunca Abraham ni Mois$(D??(Bs los hab$(D??(Ban recibido a$(D??(Bn, empero, ten$(D??(Ban que cumplirlos, para que Dios pueda trabajar con toda la casa de Israel junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, para llevarlos a vivir a su dulce hogar. Nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba bautizar a Mois$(D??(Bs en su altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, encendido en fuego sobre el monte Si$(D??(Bn, desde que Abraham lo inicio para que su hijo Isaac arda en $(D??(Bl, pero tambi$(D??(Bn est$(D??(B supuesto a quemar con el bautismo de gracia y de misericordia toda la casa de Israel, incluyendo al King Mes$(D??(Bas en su d$(D??(Ba manifestado en Cana$(D??(Bn.
Habi$(D??(Bndose bautizado Mois$(D??(Bs en el altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, descendido del cielo con Dios, su Hijo Jesucristo y el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces $(D??(Bl estaba listo no solamente para recibir su nombre santo, entreg$(D??(Bndole grandes poderes a cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba en Israel, para escapar de las tinieblas, pero tambi$(D??(Bn para ense$(D??(Barles el camino santo a su vida prometida en Cana$(D??(Bn. Por ello, Mois$(D??(Bs fue llamado por nuestro Padre celestial ha ser recibido por su Hijo Jesucristo, ardiendo en el fuego del altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, en donde la carne sagrada arde d$(D??(Ba y noche perpetuamente, y en donde no solamente la carne sagrada de Abraham arde junto con la de Isaac, pero tambi$(D??(Bn la de los hijos por nacer en generaciones futuras.
Visto que, con $(D??(Bste bautismo de fuego, del altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, descendido con Isaac y con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces el nombre de nuestro Padre celestial es glorificado eternamente junto con cada palabra que exalta, glorifica, y sirve a sus mandamientos hacia la eternidad en la tierra con la humanidad entera y en el cielo con sus huestes angelicales, perpetuamente. Por ende, era importante para nuestro Padre celestial de bautizar con su fuego del altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, ardiendo apasionadamente sobre el monte Si$(D??(Bn, descansando sobre el monte Moriah para Abraham, y luego descans$(D??(B sobre el monte Sina$(D??(B para Mois$(D??(Bs: porque $(D??(Bl tenia que llevar a los hijos de Abraham hacia Cana$(D??(Bn, en solo tres d$(D??(Bas a su lugar de descanso divino.
Nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba resucitar a Israel con su grande gracia, con su grande misericordia, con su grande verdad, y con su grande justicia divina, para que renazcan en su imagen y alma viviente, para que sean reconocidos y aceptados como sus hijos leg$(D??(Btimos con los privilegios de poseer Cana$(D??(Bn y el altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, ardiendo apasionadamente por ellos, para siempre. Por ende, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba con los hijos de Abraham caminar hacia Cana$(D??(Bn, para recibir el altar que Abraham con su hijo Isaac inicialmente no solamente hab$(D??(Ba levantado, pero tambi$(D??(Bn encendido el fuego del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, descendido del cielo, para bautizar a todos con el cumplimiento del los mandamientos, para que la vida eterna sea posible en las naciones: salv$(D??(Bndolos, perpetuamente.
Dado que, $(D??(Bste es el $(D??(Bnico camino posible, en donde nuestro Padre celestial junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo no solamente borran todo pecado de sus almas vivientes, pero tambi$(D??(Bn bautizarlos con su gracia, con su misericordia, con su verdad, y con su justicia divina, complaciendo as$(D??(B con santidad perfecta el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo de los mandamientos para salvaci$(D??(Bn eterna. Adem$(D??(Bs, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba introducirlos no solamente a Cana$(D??(Bn para que edifiquen su altar antiguo, que Abraham e Isaac hab$(D??(Ban encendido con el fuego que arde con el bautismo de todos, para cumplir con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo de los mandamientos, pero tambi$(D??(Bn para recibir sus bendiciones: para que aprendan a amarlo, servirle, y glorificarlo a $(D??(Bl y a su nombre bendito, perpetuamente.
Ahora, cuando Mois$(D??(Bs descendi$(D??(B del monte Sina$(D??(B, entonces realmente $(D??(Bl descendi$(D??(B del monte Si$(D??(Bn y de su altar del fuego ardiendo, del amor prehist$(D??(Brico que lo hab$(D??(Ba bautizado a $(D??(Bl para cumplir con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo de los mandamientos: por ende, Mois$(D??(Bs descendi$(D??(B bautizado con fuego del cielo y con el nombre bendito para que Israel lo posea con poderes y maravillas, siempre. Y $(D??(Bste es el nombre en que nuestro Padre celestial se manifest$(D??(B como el Dios de Abraham y, luego, su Hijo Jesucristo se manifest$(D??(B como el Dios de Isaac y, finalmente, el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo se manifest$(D??(B como el Dios de Jacobo: por ende, Mois$(D??(Bs recibi$(D??(B el nombre sant$(D??(Bsimo que jam$(D??(Bs hab$(D??(Ba sido entregado a ninguna naci$(D??(Bn, para que Israel lo posea, perpetuamente.
Aqu$(D??(B, visto que Mois$(D??(Bs hab$(D??(Ba descendido bautizado por el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo de los mandamientos, porque $(D??(Bl tenia que haberlos cumplido cabalmente a pesar de que $(D??(Bl jam$(D??(Bs los hab$(D??(Ba recibido antes, as$(D??(B como Abraham en sus d$(D??(Bas, por ejemplo, a$(D??(Bn as$(D??(B, nuestro Padre celestial los bautizo con el fuego del amor prehist$(D??(Brico para trabajar con ellos y sin el problema del pecado. Ya que, Israel recibi$(D??(B el nombre bendito de nuestro Padre celestial y el de su Hijo Jesucristo junto con el de su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces Israel pose$(D??(Ba grandes poderes en contra de Fara$(D??(Bn y de sus oficiales que rehusaban dejarlos ir, porque si ellos los dejaban ir, inmediatamente la econom$(D??(Ba Egipcia seria sacudida desde su n$(D??(Bcleo, perdiendo el poder de funcionar productivamente.
Por ello, el Fara$(D??(Bn con su gente no quer$(D??(Ba dejarlos ir a la tierra que nuestro Padre celestial hab$(D??(Ba escogido para que ellos edifiquen su altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, ardiendo apasionadamente sobre el monte Si$(D??(Bn, descansando sobre el monte Sina$(D??(B, y que su casa final es Jerusal$(D??(Bn para el bautismo en agua y del fuego: cumpliendo as$(D??(B con los mandamientos, para salvaci$(D??(Bn eterna. Ciertamente, muchos milagros salieron del nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, porque finalmente el Fara$(D??(Bn tuvo que dejarlos ir a la tierra prometida, visto que nuestro Padre celestial mat$(D??(B a cada primog$(D??(Bnito desamparado de la sangre del cordero que Israel hab$(D??(Ba sido llamado a levantar en Cana$(D??(Bn, para salvaci$(D??(Bn final de todo creyente.
Entonces los israelitas salieron de Egipto con grandes riquezas, porque nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a los israelitas que les pidan a los Egipcios que les den oro, plata, y todo de gran valor: porque nuestro Padre celestial quer$(D??(Ba que ellos sean enriquecidos cruzando el mar Rojo, para que abandonen sus carnes pecadoras para vestir con abundante riquezas su carne sagrada. Habiendo llegado al frente del mar entonces Mois$(D??(Bs poco dispuesto estaba para entrar en el gran cuerpo de agua, que $(D??(Bl se encontraba sorprendido de intentarlo, por ende $(D??(Bl se par$(D??(B en la playa contemplando el agua picada: de pronto, el Fara$(D??(Bn se acercaba con su ej$(D??(Brcito para recapturarlos, que la gente asustada lloraba ante $(D??(Bl, por el peligro eminente.
La gente ten$(D??(Ba raz$(D??(Bn para llorar ante Mois$(D??(Bs, porque el Fara$(D??(Bn y sus oficiales se acercaban a ellos con gran furia, y probablemente listo para matarlos, dado que ellos hab$(D??(Ban salido de Egipto con sus primog$(D??(Bnitos muertos, por ello los israelitas sent$(D??(Ban el esp$(D??(Britu de venganza en contra de ellos, y se tornaron hacia Mois$(D??(Bs muy asustados. Oportunamente, nuestro Padre celestial mir$(D??(B sobre Mois$(D??(Bs y los israelitas, orden$(D??(Bndolos moverse ya, tendiendo la vara de Aaron sobre las aguas para que sean dividas en dos paredes, abriendo el Camino de Santidad para que Israel cruce a su lugar seguro del otro lado del mar: porque los israelitas ten$(D??(Ban que abandonar la carne pecadora por la carne sagrada—bautiz$(D??(Bndose todos, perpetuamente.
Convenientemente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de las doce tribus de Israel bautizado en el mar, porque ellos no solamente necesitaban abandonar sus carnes pecadoras con sus d$(D??(Bas malos llenos de problemas, maldiciones, enfermedades y hasta muerte de Satan$(D??(Bs y de sus $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, pero tambi$(D??(Bn vestir la carne sagrada para ascender a su altar de amor. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a cada uno en Israel bautizado en su altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico que Abraham y su hijo Isaac encendieron el fuego del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo para bautizar a cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de Israel, pero igualmente de las familias de las naciones: porque $(D??(Bnicamente bautizados, entonces Dios les puede decir: Ahora s$(D??(B que me aman.
Entonces cuando la casa de Israel termin$(D??(B bautizado, cruzando el mar, instant$(D??(Bneamente, nuestro Padre celestial vino a ser muy feliz, vi$(D??(Bndolos caminar en el Camino de Santidad, vestidos en su carne sagrada que $(D??(Bl personalmente hab$(D??(Ba convenido con Abraham, para que vida eterna sea posible para $(D??(Bl y sus hijos por nacer en generaciones futuras, incluyendo a las familias de las naciones. Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial hab$(D??(Ba prometido a Abraham de que $(D??(Bl seria el padre de una gran naci$(D??(Bn, reconocida mundialmente, pero tambi$(D??(Bn $(D??(Bl seria padre de muchas naciones: porque cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba creer$(D??(B en su nombre santo para sumergirse en agua, abandonando la carne pecadora para vestir de la carne sagrada que cumple sus mandamientos divinos, perpetuamente.
Adem$(D??(Bs, como ya conocemos, Mois$(D??(Bs tuvo que ascender el monte Sina$(D??(B, para encontrarse con el Padre celestial en el cielo, porque $(D??(Bl tenia que aprender del tabern$(D??(Bculo de reuni$(D??(Bn y del lugar Santo de los Santos, que Israel tenia que recibir, para ministrar diariamente rituales y ceremonias de Santidades perfectas para los $(D??(Bngeles del cielo y para las familias en la tierra. Mois$(D??(Bs estuvo cuarenta d$(D??(Bas y cuarenta noches sobre el monte Sina$(D??(B que se preocupo Israel, porque $(D??(Bl jam$(D??(Bs se hab$(D??(Ba alejado por mucho tiempo, que Aaron junto con los israelitas fallaron en entender de que nuestro Padre celestial lo instru$(D??(Ba en cada cosa que Israel estaba por recibir para amar, servir y glorificarlo a $(D??(Bl y a su nombre bendito, perpetuamente.
Aqu$(D??(B es, cuando Aaron puso en la estufa toda joya de oro que Israel recibi$(D??(B de los egipcios, saliendo un becerro de oro de $(D??(Bl, formado por Satan$(D??(Bs y sus $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, enojando as$(D??(B a nuestro Padre celestial y contaminado posiblemente su altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico que descansaba sobre el monte Sina$(D??(B, para que toda su voluntad bendita sobre Israel falle, siempre. Ciertamente, Israel pec$(D??(B en contra de nuestro Padre celestial y contaminaba su altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico en donde $(D??(Bl intentaba bautizar a cada uno de ellos en su fuego de grande gracia, de grande misericordia, de grande verdad y de grande justicia divina, para que finalmente amen, sirvan y glorifiquen su nombre santo en la carne del pacto entre Dios y Abraham.
Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial solamente puede ser servido una vez que uno ha sido bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre y de su Hijo Jesucristo y de su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, para que abandonen la carne pecadora por la carne sagrada, llev$(D??(Bndolos por el Camino de Santidad hacia su altar de amor, cumpliendo as$(D??(B con los mandamientos, siempre. Aqu$(D??(B, cuando Israel acept$(D??(B el cordero de oro, emergido del horno, entonces nuestro Padre celestial estuvo listo para matarlos a todos, porque se hab$(D??(Ban contaminado con un $(D??(Bdolo de que si $(D??(Bl les permit$(D??(Ba ascender el monte Si$(D??(Bn, para pararse en donde Mois$(D??(Bs se bautizo primeramente con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo de los mandamientos, entonces ellos pod$(D??(Ban contaminar su altar con pecado, perpetuamente.
Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial no pod$(D??(Ba usar m$(D??(Bs a Israel, porque aunque bautizado en el mar, abandonado la carne pecadora que desciende al infierno con sus d$(D??(Bas malos en la tierra, adem$(D??(Bs recibieron la carne sagrada en su lugar, entonces estaban contaminados con el cordero de oro, por ello descalificaban para ser bautizados con el bautismo que cumple con los mandamientos, perpetuamente. Mois$(D??(Bs intercedi$(D??(B por ellos, para que nuestro Padre celestial no derrame de su ira para destruirlos en el desierto, por haber aceptado y adorado el cordero de oro, Adem$(D??(Bs, Israel dijo: Estos son tus dioses que te liberaron del cautiverio—y pronunciando estas palabras, acept$(D??(Bndolas como verdaderas—entonces se descalificaron para entrar en el altar de amor para bautizarse en su fuego.
Ya que, era la intenci$(D??(Bn de nuestro Padre celestial de bautizar a cada uno de ellos as$(D??(B como bautizo no solamente a Abraham, Isaac y Jacobo en el altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, que bautiza a todo creyente con el bautismo del cumplimiento de los mandamientos para bendici$(D??(Bn, sanidad, prosperidad y salvaci$(D??(Bn, pero tambi$(D??(Bn bautiza igualmente a las naciones para su nuevo reino venidero. Habiendo aceptado la oraci$(D??(Bn de Mois$(D??(Bs para no destruir a Israel por el cordero de oro, entonces $(D??(Bl afirm$(D??(B abiertamente de que todo aquel que peque, divinamente $(D??(Bl borrara su nombre de su libro: porque $(D??(Bl jam$(D??(Bs permitir$(D??(B el pecado en su reino terrenal ni en el celestial, por ello, en el D$(D??(Ba del Juicio el alma que peque, morir$(D??(B.
Habiendo nuestro Padre celestial puesto todo en orden para todos en Israel, empezando con Mois$(D??(Bs y Aaron, entonces $(D??(Bl orden$(D??(B a los israelitas caminar hacia la tierra prometida, y al hacerlo as$(D??(B, seguidamente $(D??(Bl mismo los alimentaba cada d$(D??(Ba de la roca el agua necesaria y el man$(D??(B del cielo igualmente que descend$(D??(Ba copiosamente cada ma$(D??(Bana, excepto en el d$(D??(Ba S$(D??(Bbado. El comer del man$(D??(B y beber de la roca era muy importante para la existencia de Israel en el desierto del Sina$(D??(B camino a conquistar Cana$(D??(Bn, porque nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba de que Israel se alimente cada d$(D??(Ba $(D??(Bnicamente de su altar del fuego del amor prehist$(D??(Brico y m$(D??(Bs nunca de los alimentos de las naciones, para no contaminar su carne sagrada.
Por eso, es que nuestro Padre celestial les prohibido a los israelitas unirse a las naciones en sus derredores, porque $(D??(Bl no quer$(D??(Ba nada de ellas como sus gentes y creencias o sus tierras y sus frutos para ser consumidos como raciones de cada d$(D??(Ba, para que la carne del pacto que llevaban todos ellos permanezca sin pecado e intacta hacia Cana$(D??(Bn. Nuestro Padre celestial se mantuvo muy celoso de toda la casa de Israel desde Egipto y hasta por todo el desierto del Sina$(D??(B, porque $(D??(Bl tenia que cuidarlos constantemente para que ellos jam$(D??(Bs se casen con ninguna naci$(D??(Bn mucho menos comer de sus alimentos que sol$(D??(Ban comer y probablemente contaminados con adoraci$(D??(Bn a $(D??(Bdolos o ciertas ofrendas a $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, por ejemplo.
La carne de los israelitas tenia que mantenerse santa y perfecta hacia Cana$(D??(Bn, especialmente Jud$(D??(B, porque era de la familia del Rey David en donde el Rey Mes$(D??(Bas nacer$(D??(Ba de una de sus hijas v$(D??(Brgenes, cumpliendo as$(D??(B con las palabras del profeta Isa$(D??(Bas, y as$(D??(B, por su vientre virgen darle vida a toda la casa de Israel, sobre el altar del amor eterno. Adem$(D??(Bs, nuestro Padre celestial esperaba que Israel no solamente entrase a Cana$(D??(Bn con la carne sagrada intacta para que nazca el Rey Mes$(D??(Bas sant$(D??(Bsimo, pero tambi$(D??(Bn que no fallen en bautizarse en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, para que todos asciendan vestidos con la carne sagrada al cielo, y eternamente justificados en su ultimo d$(D??(Ba.
Sin embargo, toda la casa de Israel que hab$(D??(Ba nacido del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah, por los poderes del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces fallaron constantemente en ser bautizados en agua en su nombre bendito y de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, y as$(D??(B en su ultimo d$(D??(Ba descendieron todos al Valle de los huesos secos, para ser rescatados alg$(D??(Bn d$(D??(Ba. Ahora, nuestro Padre celestial tenia que asegurarse que ni un israelita seria contaminado con los pecados de las naciones cuando cruzaban el desierto del Sina$(D??(B, ya sea que esta contaminaci$(D??(Bn hubiese sido cas$(D??(Bndose con extra$(D??(Bos, creyendo en sus $(D??(Bdolos o comiendo de sus alimentos ofrecido a sus dioses, para que su carne sagrada se mantenga santa hasta a$(D??(Bn en su muerte.
Por ello, as$(D??(B fue como nuestro Padre celestial proteg$(D??(Ba celosamente el madero que seria usado como la cruz clavado a la carne sagrada del Rey Mes$(D??(Bas y de sus almas vivientes que hab$(D??(Ban descendido al Valle de los huesos secos, para que la carne pecadora se torne en polvo, porque $(D??(Bl hab$(D??(Ba juzgado al hombre, diciendo: Del polvo te tome, al polvo volver$(D??(Bs. Ahora, la carne pecadora de Israel se volvi$(D??(B polvo en el Valle de muerte, porque fallaron en mantener su carne para clavarla a la carne sagrada del Rey Mes$(D??(Bas: para que reciban su salvaci$(D??(Bn conquistada con victorias sobre Satan$(D??(Bs y sus $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos de problemas, enfermedades, maldiciones, y hasta muertes del infierno: pero, Israel sin carne propia entonces no pod$(D??(Ba recibir salvaci$(D??(Bn alguna.
Ahora, al Israel estar tendido sobre todo el Valle de los huesos secos y con sus cuerpos completamente desintegrados, porque se volvieron polvo, entonces Satan$(D??(Bs con sus demonios cantaban victoria, porque ellos fallaron en entender como Dios levantar$(D??(Ba a su gente de la puerta del infierno—Israel en sus millares de almas tendidas sobre el Valle de muerte sin esperanza y salvaci$(D??(Bn. Realmente, lo que Satan$(D??(Bs jam$(D??(Bs entendi$(D??(B, fue que el polvo del que Israel hab$(D??(Ba terminado siendo en la tierra de Cana$(D??(Bn, tendidos todos ellos en el Valle de muerte, entonces la comida y la semilla que hab$(D??(Ban consumido en vida renacer$(D??(Ba con su polvo, fertiliz$(D??(Bndolos, para que sean $(D??(Brboles—los $(D??(Brboles cruzados que salvar$(D??(Ban a Israel como la carne de sus propios cuerpos.
Esto nos dice que la carne de Israel se volvi$(D??(B polvo en el Valle de muerte, fertilizando las semillas en $(D??(Brboles para nuestro Padre celestial, su Hijo Jesucristo y el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo para que escojan dos de ellos, para que sean la cruz levantados sobre el monte Si$(D??(Bn para clavar al Santo de Israel al pecador de Israel, salvando as$(D??(B a Israel finalmente. Divinamente, nuestro Padre celestial escogi$(D??(B dos $(D??(Brboles que vinieron a ser uno en sus manos para recibir a su Hijo Jesucristo herido en su cabeza, manos y pies, porque su juicio hacia Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva en contra de Lucifer, dice: y la semilla de la mujer herir$(D??(B tu cabeza, pero la semilla de la serpiente del Ed$(D??(Bn lo herir$(D??(B en su calca$(D??(Bar.
Por ende, nuestro Padre celestial ten$(D??(Ba que juzgar a Israel en el desierto del Sina$(D??(B, porque se rebelaron en contra de $(D??(Bl y de su palabra, y en contra de Mois$(D??(Bs, tambi$(D??(Bn, porque ellos refutaban su liderazgo queriendo hacer que los lleve de regreso a Egipto: porque cansados estaban de caminar por el desierto, para regresar a la buena vida que conoc$(D??(Ban. Por sorpresa, mientras transitaban por el desierto nuevamente Israel se rebel$(D??(B en contra de Mois$(D??(Bs y por lo que nuestro Padre celestial lo estaba haciendo hacer con ellos cada d$(D??(Ba, para que alcancen la tierra prometida pronto: y por rebelarse en contra de Mois$(D??(Bs, entonces Dios hizo que serpientes venenosas salieran en gran n$(D??(Bmero de la arena: mordi$(D??(Bndolos y envenen$(D??(Bndolos mortalmente.
Los israelitas mordidos, obviamente, estaban muriendo sin misericordia alguna, porque el veneno que hab$(D??(Ban recibido de las serpientes que los atacaban en sus talones cuando caminaban por la arena, y mordidos en sus manos tambi$(D??(Bn, tratando de agarrarlas para removerlas de sus cuerpos lastimados—pero las serpientes segu$(D??(Ban multiplic$(D??(Bndose grandemente en contra de ellos, envenen$(D??(Bndolos, mor$(D??(Ban espantosamente ca$(D??(Bdos en la arena. Entonces Mois$(D??(Bs clam$(D??(B a nuestro Padre celestial por ayuda divina para $(D??(Bl y para Israel, porque las serpientes emerg$(D??(Ban de la arena cuando caminaban sobre ella, haciendo que se lancen en contra de ellos en la manera m$(D??(Bs viciosa posible de que era imposible escapar de ellas: adem$(D??(Bs, todo se volv$(D??(Ba peor, porque los israelitas eran excedidos en numero por las serpientes.
Instant$(D??(Bneamente, nuestro Padre celestial sinti$(D??(B misericordia por Mois$(D??(Bs y por los israelitas que mor$(D??(Ban, que le dijo que formara una serpiente de bronce a martillazos como las que sal$(D??(Ban de la arena, atac$(D??(Bndolos para morderlos fatalmente con su veneno: adem$(D??(Bs que la clavara a la vara de Aaron, y cuando los israelitas alzaren sus miradas a ella, entonces sanar$(D??(Ban del mal milagrosamente. Aqu$(D??(B es cuando los israelitas fueron picados por las serpientes que los atacaban viciosamente, envenen$(D??(Bndolos mortalmente, y que eran heridos por todos sus cuerpos como en sus manos y talones: porque sus carnes pecadoras entrar$(D??(Ban a Cana$(D??(Bn para volverse polvo con sus almas vivientes descendiendo al Valle de los huesos secos, que eventualmente vendr$(D??(Ban a crecer en $(D??(Brboles para el sacrificio continuo.
Estos $(D??(Brboles ya crecidos frondosamente entonces le dec$(D??(Ban al Padre que recibir$(D??(Ban a su Hijo Jesucristo nacido del vientre virgen de la hija de David, por los poderes del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo as$(D??(B como naci$(D??(B inicialmente como Isaac del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah por los mismos poderes: porque $(D??(Bl es finalmente el Santo de Israel clavado al pecador de Israel para salvaci$(D??(Bn eterna. Y es aqu$(D??(B, en donde nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba clavar al rebelde de Israel que sali$(D??(B del cautiverio Egipto conquistando el desierto del Sina$(D??(B, pero tambi$(D??(Bn su tierra preciosa, Cana$(D??(Bn, escogida por $(D??(Bl mismo para establecer el altar de Abraham e Isaac, ardiendo apasionadamente con su amor prehist$(D??(Brico para que Israel y las naciones se bauticen, y as$(D??(B $(D??(Bl vivir entre ellos, perpetuamente.
Aqu$(D??(B, nuestro Padre celestial clav$(D??(B no solamente las heridas de los cuerpos israelitas que recibieron abundantemente en toda su existencia como en sus manos, t$(D??(Brax, y talones, escapando del cautiverio egipcio y bautizados en el mar Rojo para ser clavados sobre dos $(D??(Brboles cruzados a la carne sagrada y victoriosa de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que finalmente sanen con su salvaci$(D??(Bn perfecta. Adem$(D??(Bs, nuestro Padre celestial ten$(D??(Ba que tener a todo Israel convertido en dos $(D??(Brboles cruzados asimilando la serpiente de bronce clavada a la vara de Aaron, pero tambi$(D??(Bn clavar sobre sus heridas las heridas de su Hijo Jesucristo que eran como la de ellos en su cabeza, manos, t$(D??(Brax y talones sobre el madero para salvaci$(D??(Bn de todo creyente encaminado al cielo.
Por ello, al nuestro Padre celestial levantar a todo Israel como los $(D??(Brboles cruzados sobre el monte Si$(D??(Bn, que es su dulce hogar, recibiendo as$(D??(B a cada uno de ellos por sus heridas clavadas a las heridas de las manos y de los pies de su Hijo Jesucristo, para no sufrir jam$(D??(Bs los ataques de serpientes venenosas y de Satan$(D??(Bs, para siempre.
Aqu$(D??(B, no solamente nuestro padre celestial uni$(D??(B sabiamente las heridas de Israel a las heridas de las manos y de los pies de su Hijo Jesucristo, pero tambi$(D??(Bn a las heridas de cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de todas las familias de las naciones, porque siempre fue su plan de salvar la humanidad entera del infierno con su bendici$(D??(Bn derramada continuamente.
Aqu$(D??(B, es donde nuestro Padre celestial reino sobre Israel que se volvi$(D??(B polvo en el Valle de los huesos secos, fertilizando las semillas, para que se tornen en $(D??(Brboles poderosos, que permanecer$(D??(Bn perpetuamente sobre el monte Si$(D??(Bn: porque $(D??(Bl tenia que clavar su nombre bendito y las heridas de su Hijo Jesucristo a la cruz, derramando as$(D??(B su semilla sobre ellos: salv$(D??(Bndolos. Adem$(D??(Bs, su Hijo Jesucristo fue herido con la corona de espinas sobre su cabeza sant$(D??(Bsima, porque esto fue lo que el Israel antiguo hizo cuando demandaban de Samuel su profeta, que les permitir$(D??(Ba escoger a sus propios reyes que reinar$(D??(Ban sobre ellos as$(D??(B como las naciones son gobernadas por sus reyes escogidos, y finalmente ser como las naciones, siempre.
Ciertamente, esta terrible herida sobre la cabeza de nuestro Se$(D??(Bor Jesucristo, que $(D??(Bl tuvo que llevar con los israelitas rebeldes inicialmente en contra de $(D??(Bl, cuando le pidieron a Samuel que les permitir$(D??(Ba escoger a sus propios reyes, que reinar$(D??(Ban sobre ellos as$(D??(B como las naciones son gobernadas por el liderazgo escogido por ellos mismo, simplemente fue porque quer$(D??(Ban ser como las naciones. $(D??(Bsta fue la terrible herida en su cabeza que nuestro Padre celestial, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo ten$(D??(Ban que llevar por toda la vida de la casa de Israel hasta descender al Valle de muerte, porque no solamente ped$(D??(Ban su propio rey, escogido por ellos, pero tambi$(D??(Bn rehusaban bautizarse para entrar en la carne del pacto de vida eterna.
Por razones de que bautizados en agua al invocar el nombre del Padre y del Hijo Jesucristo y del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces hubiesen descendido en las aguas en su perfecta santidad, liber$(D??(Bndolos as$(D??(B de toda rebeli$(D??(Bn para no solamente conocer la gracia, misericordia, verdad, y justicia divina de la carne sagrada que los ama grandemente, sino que vivir$(D??(Ban con Dios, perpetuamente felices. Esta herida de la cabeza de nuestro Padre y de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo solamente seria sanada con la corona de vida eterna sobre la cabeza del Cordero inmolado y as$(D??(B igualmente para sus hijos: porque su Hijo clavado al cuerpo de Israel convertido en madera, entonces la corona de vida es reconquistada perpetuamente con La Nueva Jerusal$(D??(Bn celestial.
Aqu$(D??(B, nuestro Padre celestial cumpli$(D??(B su promesa de que $(D??(Bl reinar$(D??(Ba sobre toda la casa de Israel con sus manos de hierro (clavos) y con sus brazos extendidos y clavados a su carne rebelde tornada en madero, que una vez vivi$(D??(B en Israel y en las naciones, pero se volvieron polvo fertilizando la semilla brotando en la cruz eterna sobre su altar. $(D??(Brboles vivientes y llenos de las heridas profundas de la casa de Israel yaciendo en el Valle de los huesos secos, para ser clavados a las heridas de las manos y de los pies de su Hijo Jesucristo: para que su Hijo finalmente reciba la corona de vida eterna para compartirla con sus hijos de Israel y de las naciones, para siempre.
Ya que, $(D??(Bste gran reino angelical que nuestro Padre celestial ha preparado para su Hijo Jesucristo y para su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo es un reino que ser$(D??(B habitado por sus hijos que han renacido del bautismo de agua y de su altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, finalmente cumpliendo con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo de los mandamientos para vivir desde ya con Dios, perpetuamente felices. Por eso, es que t$(D??(B tienes que bautizarte en agua, lo antes posible, porque esta es la $(D??(Bnica manera en la que te alejaras de la carne pecadora en donde Satan$(D??(Bs reina con sus problemas, enfermedades, maldiciones, y muerte, para que renazcas del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo de la carne sagrada que es grandemente amada por el Padre y por sus huestes angelicales.
Y es $(D??(Bnicamente en estos bautismos de agua y del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo del altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico que realmente es su grande gracia, su grande misericordia, su grande verdad, y su grande justicia divina: bautiz$(D??(Bndote para siempre con el cumplimiento y glorificaci$(D??(Bn de los mandamientos eternos, bendici$(D??(Bndote as$(D??(B siempre hacia la eternidad venidera, porque los honraste con sus bautismos divinos, para siempre. Y es aqu$(D??(B, sobre el altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico de nuestro Padre celestial, descendido del cielo con Isaac y con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, en donde t$(D??(B recibir$(D??(Bs los bautismos requeridos para renacer de su alma viviente, para que vengas a ser su hijo legitimo: pero tambi$(D??(Bn ser heredero de sus riquezas terrenales y celestiales, perpetuamente.
Y es aqu$(D??(B $(D??(Bnicamente, en donde nuestro Padre celestial espera por ti para aceptarte como su hijo amado, ya que has cumplido con sus mandamientos gloriosos en sus bautismos de agua y del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, que es el fuego ardiendo sobre el altar vivo, que una vez Abraham e Isaac iniciaron sobre el monte Si$(D??(Bn, entonces arde a$(D??(Bn hoy hasta que vengas. Y es aqu$(D??(B, en donde nuestro padre celestial har$(D??(B que t$(D??(B sientas su gran amor que $(D??(Bl siempre ha sentido por ti por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo y por su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, porque t$(D??(B naciste inicialmente de su imagen y alma viviente, para que seas su hijo perfecto y glorioso as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl siempre lo ha sido ante sus santos $(D??(Bngeles.
Ya que, esta es la vida divina que nuestro Padre celestial te otorgo antes que nazcas de su imagen y de su alma viviente, porque $(D??(Bl necesita tener a sus hijos gozando de la vida maravillosa que su coraz$(D??(Bn y alma viviente junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo y sus huestes angelicales han conocido por toda la eternidad. Nuestro Padre celestial desea verte gozar sus gloriosas bendiciones, llenando todo su gran reino angelical con su amor prehist$(D??(Brico que siempre ha sido el centro de su familia divina, que es su Hijo amado y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, y ahora t$(D??(B eres parte de su linaje, porque te has bautizado y renacido como su hijo legitimo, poseyendo ya la ciudad de oro, perpetuamente.
$(D??(Bsta es la nueva Jerusal$(D??(Bn angelical que solamente puede ser habitada por aquellos que obedecen a nuestro Padre celestial por medio del trabajo hecho con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo por toda la vida de la casa de Israel: abandonando la cautividad, volvi$(D??(Bndose polvo fertilizando dos $(D??(Brboles cruzados, recibiendo la carne sagrada con clavos: salv$(D??(Bndote finalmente a ti, perpetuamente. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial clav$(D??(B a toda la casa de Israel en las dos piezas de madera como una en sus manos llenas de heridas profundas clavadas a las heridas profundas de las manos y de los pies de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que seas redimido con tus muy amados, para que jam$(D??(Bs escapes de su amor, prosperidad, riquezas y felicidad inagotable.
Por su amor, nuestro Padre celestial te hizo su familia junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo manifestada ampliamente en toda la vida de Israel: escapando de la cautividad egipcia, bautizado en el mar, conquistando Cana$(D??(Bn con sus incontables heridas profundas recibidas de sus enemigos como las serpientes, para que las heridas de su Hijo Jesucristo sane tus heridas: salv$(D??(Bndote. Maravillosamente, nuestro Padre celestial finalmente uni$(D??(B toda la casa de Israel como su carne, el madero hecho cruz, que empezaron a formarse desde el cautiverio egipcio de cuatrocientos a$(D??(Bos, escapando por el desierto del Sina$(D??(B, atacado por enemigos incontables como las serpientes venenosas, para recibir al Rey Mes$(D??(Bas con heridas profundas sobre el altar de amor, para salvaci$(D??(Bn eterna, enriqueci$(D??(Bndote grandemente, siempre. $(D??(BAm$(D??(Bn!
Moses was tending his father in-law flocks near Mount Sinai, and there he saw a fire that was burning, but it was not spreading into the area around it, thus he thought after three days that he should approach it, to see why was this estrange fire still kindling at the same place unchanged, as in the previous days. Let by the Holy Spirit, Moses entered into the fire of the altar from the prehistoric love burning wildly thus to call him and approach it for his baptism of fire of the great grace, the great mercy, the great truth, and the great divine justice just as his father Abraham had been baptized by this fire in his day.
Our heavenly Father had called him so he may speak to Him and His Son Jesus Christ that is Isaac$B!G(Bs burning flesh over the altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with great powers thus to liberate not only Abraham from sin, but also his children to be born in the generations ahead, by been baptized with His love. That is to say, that our heavenly Father had descended with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may meet not only Moses thus to speak to him about the liberation of Israel from Egypt$B!G(Bs captivity, but also to baptize him with the burning fire that Abraham and Isaac had started over Mount Zion, resting over Mount Moriah.
This is the baptism of the altar of the prehistoric love that fulfills the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments that neither Abraham nor Moses had received yet, nonetheless, they needed to fulfill them, so He may work with the entire house of Israel along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus to lead them to His home-sweet-home. Our heavenly Father needed to baptize Moses within the altar of the prehistoric love fire burning wildly over Mount Zion since the day that Abraham started it that was supposed to burn Isaac his only son, but, instead, this fire was started to burn with baptism grace and mercy the entire house of Israel, including the King Messiah in his day.
Once Moses had been baptized at the altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then he was ready not only to receive His very holy name that will empower every man, woman and child within Israel to escape darkness, but also show them the way to life in Canaan. That is why, that Moses was called by our heavenly Father to be received by His Son Jesus Christ burning within the altar of the fire of the prehistoric love, where the sacred-flesh is burning day and night into eternity, where not only Abraham$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh burns along with Isaac but also his children to be born yet in future generations.
For the reason that, with this baptism of the fire, from the altar of the prehistoric love, descended with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, then our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy name is glorified everlastingly along with His every word that exalts, glorifies, and serves His holy commandments into everlasting on earth with humankind and in heaven$B!G(Bs glory with His angelical hosts, forever. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to baptize with His fire of the prehistoric love burning wildly over Mount Zion, resting over Mount Moriah in the days of Abraham, and later resting over Mount Sinai for Moses, because he needed to take Abraham$B!G(Bs children to the promised land in only a three day walk to His divine resting place.
Our heavenly Father needed to resurrect Israel with His great grace, His great mercy, His great truth, and with His great divine justice, so they may become reborn within His image and living-soul thus for them to be recognized and accepted as His legitimate children with the privilege to possess Canaan with His altar of the prehistoric love burning passionately, forever. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed with Abraham$B!G(Bs children to walk towards the promised land thus to revive the altar that Abraham with Isaac had initially not only lifted it but also started the fire of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above to baptize every one with the fulfillment of the commandments for life to be possible into the nations, lastly.
Provided that, this is the only way possible, where our heavenly Father along with His Son and the Holy Spirit not only can erase sin from their living-souls but also baptize them with His great grace, with His great mercy, with His great truth, and with His great divine justice, thus fulfilling the Holy Spirit of the commandments for every one$B!G(Bs lasting-salvation. Besides, our heavenly Father needed to introduce them not only into Canaan so they may edify His ancient altar that Abraham and Isaac started the fire that is burning for everyone$B!G(Bs baptism fulfilling the Holy Spirit of the commandments, but also to receive His blessings thus they may learn to love, serve and glorify Him and His holy name, perpetually.
Now, when Moses descended Mount Sinai, he really descended from Mount Zion with the altar of the burning fire, of the prehistoric love that had baptized him fulfilling the Holy Spirit of the commandments, and so, as he descended from the altar of love then he descended baptized and with the holy name to be given to Israel to possess it forever. This is the name that our heavenly Father manifested himself as the God of Abraham, then His Son Jesus Christ manifested himself as the God of Isaac and, finally, the Holy Spirit manifested himself as the God of Jacob, therefore, Moses received the holiest name that it had never been given to any nation before, for Israel to possess it, perpetually.
Here, once Moses had descended baptized by the Holy Spirit of the commandments, because he needed to have fulfilled the commandments even though he had not received them yet as Abraham in his days, for example, nonetheless, our heavenly Father had them baptized with His fire of the prehistoric love thus to work with them constantly without any sin-problem. That is why, that once Israel received our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs name and that of His Son along with the Holy Spirit, then Israel began to have amazing powers against Pharaoh and his officials that were refusing to let them go, because if they allow them to leave, immediately Egypt$B!G(Bs economy will be shaken to the core, losing the power to run smoothly.
Therefore, Pharaoh and his people were very reluctant to allow them to go to the land that our heavenly Father had called them to edify His altar of the prehistoric love burning wildly over Mount Zion, resting at Sinai, and that is homed in Jerusalem for everyone$B!G(Bs baptism in water and with its fire to fulfill the commandments, for lasting salvation, forever. Surely, many miracles were wrought with our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy name, His Son and of the Holy Spirit, because finally Pharaoh had to let them go on their way to the promised land, because our heavenly Father had had to kill every firstborn that failed to be protected by blood of the lamb that Israel was called to lift in Canaan.
Then, the Israelis left Egypt with great richness because our heavenly Father told Moses to tell the Israelites to ask of the Egyptians to give them gold, silver, and what they had of great value, for our heavenly Father wanted them to be rich as they crossed the Red Sea, so they may abandon their sinful-flesh to dress with richness His sacred-flesh. Having arrived at the seafront then Moses was reluctant to cross the great body of water that he became afraid even to think to try it, and so, he stood at the beach contemplating the choppy waters, suddenly Pharaoh was approaching with his army to retake them as captives again that the people cried out to Moses, because of the eminent danger.
The people had a reason to cry out to Moses, because Pharaoh and his officials were closing in on them with great fury, and perhaps ready to kill them, given that they left Egypt with their first-born dead, and so, the Israelis could sense the spirit of vengeance against them that is why they turned to Moses with great overwhelming fear. Timely, our heavenly Father looked from heaven upon Moses and the Israelis ordering to get moving, to stretch Aaron$B!G(Bs staff over the water for it to divide in two giant walls, opening the Highway of Holiness for Israel to cross to safety on the other side of the sea, because the Israelis needed to abandon their sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh—baptized, forever.
Conveniently, our heavenly Father needed every man, woman and child from the twelve tribes of Israel baptized at the sea, because, they did not only need to abandon their sinful-flesh with their wicked days filled with problems, curses, infirmities and even death from Satan and his fallen angels, but also to dress in the sacred-flesh to ascend into His altar of love. Certainly, our heavenly Father needed every one within Israel baptized within His altar of the prehistoric love that Abraham and his son Isaac ignited the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs fire baptizing every man, woman and child not only from Israel but also from the families of the nations, because only when everyone is baptized then He can say: Now I know that you love me.
Then, as the entire house of Israel had finished crossing the sea, instantly, our heavenly Father became very happy to see them walking in the Highway of Holiness, dressed in His sacred-flesh that He had personally convened with Abraham for eternal life to be possible for him and his children to be born in generations ahead, including the families of the nations. For our heavenly Father had promised to Abraham that he will be the father of a great nation renown worldwide, but also he will be the father of many nations, because every man, woman and child will come to believe in His holy name thus to submerge in water baptism, disposing the sinful-flesh to dress the sacred-flesh that fulfills His commandments forever.
Furthermore, as we already know Moses had to ascend over Mount Sinai to meet our heavenly Father in heaven, because he needed to learn about the tabernacle of reunion and its place of Holy of Holiest that Israel was to receive thus to minister daily rituals and ceremonies of perfect Righteousness for angels in heaven and for the nations on earth. Moses spent forty-days and forty-nights upon the mountaintop that people became concern, for he had never been gone from Israel that long that Aaron along with the Israelites they just failed to understand that our heavenly Father was instructing him for the very holy things that Israel was about to receive to love, serve and glorify Him and His holy name, forever.
This is when Aaron put into the furnace the gold jewelry that the Israelis had received from the Egyptians that a golden calf emerged from it, fashioned by Satan and his fallen angels, angering our heavenly Father and to contaminate His altar of the prehistoric love fire that was resting over Mount Sinai, so His divine will for Israel may fail, forever. Certainly, Israel had sinned against our heavenly Father and threatening to contaminate His altar of the prehistoric love where He intended to baptize each one with His fire of great grace, great mercy, great truth and great divine justice, so they may finally love, serve and glorify Him and His holy name in the sacred-flesh that He had convened with Abraham, forever.
Provided that, our heavenly Father can only be served once one has been baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name and that of His Son along with the Holy Spirit, so they may abandon the sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh that will take them through the Highway of Holiness ascending into the altar of love fulfilling the commandments, everlastingly. Here, when Israel accepted the golden calf, emerging from the furnace, then our heavenly Father was ready to kill Israel, because they had contaminated themselves with an idol that if He will allow them to ascend Mount Zion to stand where Moses became baptized first with the Holy Spirit of the commandments, then they would have contaminated His altar with sin, forever.
That is why, that our heavenly Father could no longer use Israel, because, although they had been baptized at the Red Sea, abandoning the sinful-flesh descending into hell$B!G(Bs torment with their wicked days and death, moreover had received the sacred-flesh instead then they were contaminated with the golden calf thus unfit to stand in holy ground for the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs baptism. Moses interceded for them, so our heavenly Father will not pour His wrath to destroy them in the desert, because of the golden calf acceptance and worship, besides the Israelis did say: These are your gods that liberated you from captivity—and by pronouncing these words moreover accepted them as true—then they disqualified themselves to enter into His altar of love.
For it was our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs intention to baptize each one of them just as He had previously baptized not only Abraham, Isaac and Jacob within His altar of the prehistoric love that baptizes every believer with the fulfillment of the commandments for blessing, healing, prosperity and lasting salvation, but also, to baptize the families of the nations for His greater Kingdom. Having our heavenly Father accepted Moses$B!G(B prayer not to destroy Israel because of the golden calf then He said that whoever may sin, divinely He will erase his name from His book, because He will never allow sin into His kingdom on earth much less in heaven$B!G(Bs glory, and so, in the Day of Judgment the soul that sins will die.
Having our heavenly Father set things straight with everyone within Israel, beginning with Moses and Aaron, then commanded the Israelis to walk towards the promised land, and as they did, then He continued to feed them from his rock the needed water and the rations of the manna that descended from heaven above every morning, except on Sabbath day. The eating of the manna and drinking from the rock it was important for Israel$B!G(Bs subsistence within the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert on their way to conquer the promised land, because our heavenly Father needed them to nourish each day only from His altar of the prehistoric love fire and never from the nations$B!G(B food and drinks, since they needed to keep themselves uncontaminated.
That is why, that our heavenly Father forbade the Israelites mingling with the nations around them, because He did not want anything from them as people and their believe or their land and the crops to consume for their daily nourishment, so the sacred-flesh that was in the Israelis it will continue to be holy all the way into Canaan. Our heavenly Father was very jealous of the entire house of Israel, because He had to watch for them constantly that they will never give themselves in marriage to any nation much less eat the food that they were used to eat that probably could be contaminated with idol-worship or certain offerings to demon gods.
The Israelis$B!G(B flesh had to stay perfect and holy towards Canaan, especially Judah, because it was from the family of King David where the King Messiah will be born from one of his virgin daughters thus fulfilling the words of the prophet Isaiah, and so, through her virgin womb give life to the entire house of Israel, at the altar of love. Moreover, our heavenly Father was expecting Israel not only to enter Canaan with the sacred-flesh intact for the King Messiah to be born but also that they will fail to baptize in water by invoking His name$B!G(Bs perfect holiness, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so they may dress the sacred-flesh ascending into heaven forever justified on their last day.
That is why, that the entire house of Israel that was born from Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs power then they failed constantly to get baptized in water in His name, His Son$B!G(Bs and of the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs as well, and so, on the last day then they all descended into the Valley of the dried bones to be rescued someday. Now, our heavenly Father had to make sure that not a single Israelite will be contaminated with the sins of the nations as they crossed the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert, whether this contamination could have taken place by marrying them, believing their idol gods or eating their food offered to their gods normally, so their sacred-flesh will stay holy even in death.
Inasmuch as, this is how our heavenly Father was protecting the wood that will be used as the cross to nail the King Messiah$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh to their living-souls that had descended into the Valley of the dried bones, for the sinful-flesh to become dust, because He had said in judgment: From the dust I took you, to it you will return. Now, Israel$B!G(Bs sinful-flesh had become dust throughout the Valley of the dried bones, and so, they failed to have the flesh to be nailed to the King Messiah$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh: so they may receive his salvation conquered with victories over Satan and his many demons of problems, infirmities, curses, and even death in hell$B!G(Bs torment, but, without a body then no salvation still.
Now, as Israel lied over the Valley of dried bones with her human body completely disintegrated, because it became dust, then Satan along with his demons sang victory, because they failed to see how can our heavenly Father saved His people from the grave—Israel was just countless millions of living-souls lying in the Valley of death without hope and salvation. Really, what Satan never realized, it was that the dust that Israel had become within the land of Canaan, lying at the Valley of the dried bones, in hell, then the food and seeds that the Israelites had eaten in life will sprout with the dust fertilizing them, so they may become trees—the trees needed as flesh saving Israel lastly.
Meaning that, Israel$B!G(Bs sinful-flesh in the Valley of the dried bones became the dust fertilizing the seed into trees for our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit to pick just two of them, so they may become the cross needed to be lifted to Mount Zion to nail the Holy One of Israel to the sinful one, saving Israel finally. Divinely, our heavenly Father picked the two trees that became one in His hands receiving His wounded Son Jesus Christ in his head, hands, thorax and heels, because His judgment to Adam and Eve against Lucifer and the woman$B!G(Bs seed will hit him on his head, but the serpent$B!G(Bs seed from the Garden of Eden will hit the Lord in his heels.
Therefore, our heavenly Father had to judge Israel in the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert at times, because they will rebel against Him and His words, and against Moses, too, because they will question his leadership by asking him to lead them back to Egypt, because they were tired to wander around the barren-land, so they may return to the good-life that once enjoyed. By surprise, while transiting through the desert again Israel rebelled against Moses and to what our heavenly Father was leading him to do with them, so they may reach the promised land, and because of this great rebellion that Israel manifested against Moses immediately He caused overwhelming numbers of snakes to emerge from the sand that stung them with lethal venom.
The smitten Israelis, obviously, were dying, because of the poisonous venom that they had received from the snakes attacking them in their heels as they walked through the sand, and in their hands because they reached to remove them from their wounded bodies—but the snakes just continued to multiply against them that were overcome with poison, dying a horrible death. Then, Moses cried out to our heavenly Father to help him and Israel, because of the snakes emerging from the sand as they walked through it, causing them to jump on them in a very vicious manner that it was impossible for the Israelis to escape, moreover the situation was getting worst because the Israelis were outnumbered by the attacking snakes.
Instantly, our heavenly Father felt mercy for Moses and the dying Israelis that He told him to fashion a bronze snake, just as the ones emerging from the sand that were smiting and killing the Israelis, moreover that he was to nail the bronze snake to Aaron$B!G(Bs staff, and as the Israelis may look up to it then they will become heal. This is when Israel became bitten by the snakes attacking them viciously with their poisonous fangs that they were injured throughout their bodies as in their hands, body and heels, because their bodies were going to enter into Canaan to become dust in the ground with their living-souls descending into the Valley of the dried bones that will eventually become trees.
These trees once they became well aged then they were ready for our heavenly Father to send His Son Jesus Christ born from King David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter, by the amazing powers of the Holy Spirit just as he was born initially from Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb by the same powers, so he may be the Holy One of Israel nailed to the sinful-Israel for lasting-salvation. It is here, where our heavenly Father needed to nail the rebellious Israel that came out from Egypt$B!G(Bs captivity to conquer not only the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert but also His must precious land that He had personally chosen to establish His altar of Abraham and Isaac burning passionately with His love for Israel and the nations$B!G(B salvation-baptisms, but also to live there, forever.
It is here, where our heavenly Father nailed not only the bodily injuries that Israel had received abundantly through life as in their hands, thorax and heels, emerging from Egypt$B!G(Bs captivity and the water baptism at the Red Sea to be nailed as two crossed-trees to the sacred-flesh of His Son Jesus Christ, so they may finally heal with lasting-salvation, forever. Moreover, our heavenly Father had to have Israel becoming the two crossed-trees that resembled the bronze snake nailed to Aaron$B!G(Bs staff, but also to nail their injuries to the injuries of His Son Jesus Christ that were on his head, hands, thorax and heels as he was nailed to them, at the cross for lasting-salvation from earth heavenly bound eternally justified.
Therefore, by our heavenly Father nailing the entire house of Israel that had become two crossed-trees resting over Mount Zion, that is His home-sweet-home, to receive each one of them with their injuries nailed and united everlastingly to His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs injuries of his hands and heels, so they may never suffer again the attacks of the poisonous snakes, forever. It is here, also that our heavenly Father wisely not only joint Israel$B!G(Bs injuries to His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs injuries of his hands and heels but also the bodily-injuries from every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, because it was always His Salvation Plan aimed to save humankind entirely from hell$B!G(Bs torment with His daily healings.
It is here, where our heavenly Father ruled over Israel that had become from dust from the Valley of the dried bones the fertilizer that will germinate the seed to powerful trees that will endure forever over Mount Zion, because He needed to nail His name and His Son$B!G(Bs injuries to them thus to shed His seed of salvation over them, forever. Besides, His Son Jesus Christ was injured with the crown of thorns on his head, because this is what ancient Israel had done as they demanded from Samuel their prophet to allow them to pick their own kings that will rule over them just as the nations are ruled by their chosen kings, so they may be as the nations are worldwide.
Certainly, this terrible wound over our Lord Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs head that he had to bear with the Israelis as they rebelled initially against him by asking Samuel to allow them to have their own Kings to rule over them as the nations are ruled by their chosen leadership, because they wanted to feel that they were as equal as the nations. This is the terrible injury of his head that our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit had to bear through the entire life of the house of Israel, because they not only asked Samuel to allow them to pick their own kings but also they refused to get baptized in water to enter into the covenant of the sacred-flesh.
For the reason that, by been baptized in water as they may invoke our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy name and that of His Son and the Holy Spirit, then they would have descended into the waters in perfect holiness liberating them forever from all rebellions only to know the grace, mercies, truth, and divine justice of the sacred-flesh that loves them, everlastingly. This head-wound of our heavenly Father, His Son and of the Holy Spirit can only be replaced with the crown of eternal life over our Living King Messiah$B!G(Bs head but also for each one of His children, because by His Son been nailed to Israel$B!G(Bs body that became trees then the crown of life is reconquered along with The New celestial Jerusalem.
And it is here, where our heavenly Father fulfilled His promised that He will rule over the entire house of Israel with iron hands and with His extended arms nailed to their flesh that once lived in His holy presence within Israel and the nations, but now, it has become from dust to fertilizing seed sprouting incredibly into giant eternal trees. Living trees filled with the house of Israel$B!G(Bs injuries lying at the Valley of the dried bones to be nailed to His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs injuries of his hands and heels, so finally His Son may receive his crown of gold and eternal life to share it with every one of his children not only from Israel but also from the nations.
For this greater angelical Kingdom that our heavenly Father has prepared for His Son Jesus Christ and for His Holy Spirit is a Kingdom that will be inhabited by His children that have become reborn from water baptism and from the altar of the prehistoric love finally fulfilling the Holy Spirit of His commandments, forever. That is why, that you should get baptized in water, as soon as possible, because this is the only way that you are going to get rid of your sinful-flesh where Satan rules with problems, infirmities, curses, and death to become reborn from the Holy Spirit of the sacred-flesh that is widely loved by our heavenly Father and His angelical hosts.
It is only in these baptisms of water and of the Holy Spirit of the altar of the prehistoric love that really is His great grace, His great mercy, His great truth, and His great divine justice baptizing you forever with the fulfillment and glorification of the commandments blessing you always into everlasting, because you have honored them with His glorious baptisms. It is here, over our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit so you may get all the baptisms that you are required to become reborn from His living-soul thus for you to become His legitimate child, but also the rightful heir of His eternal richness on earth and in heaven, forever.
It is here only, where our heavenly Father is waiting for you thus to accept you as His child, because you have fulfilled His glorious commandments with the baptisms of water and of the Holy Spirit that is the burning fire over His altar that once Abraham and Isaac ignited it over Mount Zion, then it burns until now you come, finally. It is here, where our heavenly Father will cause you to feel the great love that He has always felt for you through His Son and the Holy Spirit, because you were born initially from His image and living-soul, so you may become His child as perfect and glorious as He has always been known in heaven$B!G(Bs glory by His holy angels.
For this is the divine life that our heavenly Father granted you even before you were born from His image and living-soul, because He needs to have His children enjoying the wonderful life that His heart and living-soul along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and now, the angelical hosts have always known through eternity and forevermore. Our heavenly Father longs to see you enjoy His glorious blessings filling the entire angelical kingdom with His ancient love that has always been the center of His family that is His Son and the Holy Spirit, and now, you are part of His family, because you are baptized and reborn as His legitimate child possessing already the city of gold, perpetually.
This is the New Jerusalem from heaven above that can only be inhabited by those that have obeyed our heavenly Father through the work done with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout the house of Israel abandoning captivity to become the dust fertilizing the two crossed-trees, receiving His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh with nails: saving you today, and forevermore. Certainly, our heavenly Father had nailed the entire house of Israel that is the two pieces of wood as one in His hands filled with injuries nailed to His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs injuries of his hands and heels, so you may become saved along with your loved ones thus you will fail to escape from His love, prosperity, richness, and never-ending happiness.
Graciously, our heavenly Father has made you His family along with His Son and His Holy Spirit that He widely manifested through the entire life of the house of Israel escaping Egypt$B!G(Bs captivity to enter into Canaan with all the wounds received from their enemies as the ancient serpent, so through His Son$B!G(Bs fatal wounds you may heal your wounds with lasting-salvation. Miraculously, our heavenly Father finally united the entire house of Israel as the wood that became the two crossed trees from Egypt$B!G(Bs captivity for more than four hundred years escaping through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert attacked by enemy armies, bitten by poisonous snake, receiving the King Messiah with the same wounds over the altar of love, for lasting-salvation thus enriching you mightily, forever. Amen!
$(D??(BCultura y paz para todos, hoy y siempre!
Saludos cordiales a todos
D$(D??(Bgale al Se$(D??(Bor, nuestro Padre Celestial, de todo coraz$(D??(Bn, en el nombre del Se$(D??(Bor Jesucristo: Nuestras almas te aman, Se$(D??(Bor. Nuestras almas te adoran, Padre nuestro. Nuestras almas te rinden gloria y honra a tu nombre y obra santa y sobrenatural, en la tierra y en el cielo, tambi$(D??(Bn, para siempre, Padre Celestial, en el nombre de tu Hijo amado, nuestro Se$(D??(Bor Jesucristo.
Padre nuestro que est$(D??(Bs en los cielos: santificada sea la memoria de tu nombre que mora dentro de Jesucristo, tu hijo amado. Venga tu reino, sea hecha tu voluntad, como en el cielo as$(D??(B tambi$(D??(Bn en la tierra. El pan nuestro de cada d$(D??(Ba, d$(D??(Bnoslo hoy. Perd$(D??(Bnanos nuestras deudas, como tambi$(D??(Bn nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores. Y no nos metas en tentaci$(D??(Bn, mas l$(D??(Bbranos del mal. Porque tuyo es el reino, el poder y la gloria por todos los siglos. Am$(D??(Bn.
Porque si perdon$(D??(Bis a los hombres sus ofensas, vuestro Padre Celestial tambi$(D??(Bn os perdonar$(D??(B a vosotros. Pero si no perdon$(D??(Bis a los hombres, tampoco vuestro Padre os perdonar$(D??(B vuestras ofensas.
Por lo tanto, el Se$(D??(Bor Jes$(D??(Bs dijo, "Yo soy el CAMINO, y la VERDAD, y la VIDA ETERNA; nadie PUEDE VENIR al PADRE SANTO, sino es POR M$(D??$B!I(B. Juan 14:
- Reconoce que eres PECADOR en necesidad, de ser SALVO de $(D??(Bste MUNDO y su MUERTE.
Disp$(D??(Bnte a dejar el pecado (arrepi$(D??(Bntete):
Cree que Jesucristo muri$(D??(B por ti, fue sepultado y resucito al tercer d$(D??(Ba por el Poder Sagrado del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo y deja que entr$(D??(B en tu vida y sea tu $(D??(BNICO SALVADOR Y SE$(D??(BOR EN TU VIDA.
QUIZ$(D??(B TE PREGUNTES HOY: $(D??(BQUE ORAR? O $(D??(BC$(D??(BMO ORAR? O $(D??(BQU$(D??(B DECIRLE AL SE$(D??(BOR SANTO EN ORACI$(D??(BN? -HAS LO SIGUIENTE, y di: Dios m$(D??(Bo, soy un pecador y necesito tu perd$(D??(Bn. Creo que Jesucristo ha derramado su SANGRE PRECIOSA y ha muerto por mi pecado. Estoy dispuesto a dejar mi pecado. Invito a Cristo a venir a mi coraz$(D??(Bn y a mi vida, como mi SALVADOR.
$(D??(BAceptaste a Jes$(D??(Bs, como tu Salvador? $(D??(BS$(D??(B _____? O $(D??(BNo _____?
$(D??(BFecha? $(D??(BS$(D??(B ____? O $(D??(BNo _____?
Si tu respuesta fue Si, entonces esto es solo el principio de una nueva maravillosa vida en Cristo. Ahora:
Lee la Biblia cada d$(D??(Ba para conocer mejor a Cristo. Habla con Dios, orando todos los d$(D??(Bas en el nombre de JES$(D??(BS. Baut$(D??(Bzate en AGUA y en El ESP$(D??(BRITU SANTO DE DIOS, adora, re$(D??(Bnete y sirve con otros cristianos en un Templo donde Cristo es predicado y la Biblia es la suprema autoridad. Habla de Cristo a los dem$(D??(Bs.
Recibe ayuda para crecer como un nuevo cristiano. Lee libros cristianos que los hermanos Pentecost$(D??(Bs o pastores del evangelio de Jes$(D??(Bs te recomienden leer y te ayuden a entender m$(D??(Bs de Jes$(D??(Bs y de su palabra sagrada, la Biblia. Libros cristianos est$(D??(Bn disponibles en gran cantidad en diferentes temas, en tu librer$(D??(Ba cristiana inmediata a tu barrio, entonces visita a las librer$(D??(Bas cristianas con frecuencia, para ver que clase de libros est$(D??(Bn a tu disposici$(D??(Bn, para que te ayuden a estudiar y entender las verdades de Dios.
Te doy las gracias por leer m$(D??(B libro que he escrito para ti, para que te goces en la verdad del Padre Celestial y de su Hijo amado y as$(D??(B comiences a crecer en $(D??(Bl, desde el d$(D??(Ba de hoy y para siempre.
El salmo 122, en la Santa Biblia, nos llama a pedir por la paz de Jerusal$(D??(Bn d$(D??(Ba a d$(D??(Ba y sin cesar, en nuestras oraciones. Porque $(D??(Bsta es la tierra, desde donde Dios lanzo hacia todos los continentes de la tierra: todas nuestras bendiciones y salvaci$(D??(Bn eterna de nuestras almas vivientes. Y nos dice Dios mismo, en su Esp$(D??(Britu Eterno: $B!H(BVivan tranquilos los que te aman. Haya paz dentro de tus murallas y tranquilidad en tus palacios, Jerusal$(D??(Bn$B!I(B. Por causa de mis hermanos y de mis amigos, dir$(D??(B yo: $B!H(BHaya paz en ti, siempre Jerusal$(D??(Bn$B!I(B. Por causa de la casa de Jehov$(D??(B nuestro Dios, en el cielo y en la tierra: implorar$(D??(B por tu bien, por siempre.
El libro de los salmos 150, en la Santa Biblia, declara el Esp$(D??(Britu de Dios a toda la humanidad, dici$(D??(Bndole y asegur$(D??(Bndole: - Qu$(D??(B todo lo que respira, alabe el nombre de Jehov$(D??(B de los Ej$(D??(Brcitos, $(D??(Bel Todopoderoso! Y esto es, de toda letra, de toda palabra, de todo instrumento y de todo coraz$(D??(Bn, con su voz tiene que rendirle el hombre: gloria y loor al nombre santo de Dios, en la tierra y en las alturas, como antes y como siempre, para la eternidad.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOVdjxtnsH8&h d=1
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