We have a great piece of Inuit art on eBay ... by one of the founders of the
Inuit art movement, Jamasie Teevee (1910-1985) [The artist is also called
Jamessie" ... and was the husband of another well-known Cape Dorset artist,
Angotigolu Teevee.]

Do you know how to contact any "Discussion Group" where we can let
interested people know that we have posted the item on eBay?

The item we are auctioning is entitled :"Chasing Geese into Stone Pen."  A
signed and numbered, limited edition print made in the manner originally set
up in the late Fifties., continuing to this day.

This Cape Dorset impression is from 1965.

Take a look at:

or look it up on eBay, under friend9buy-sell
