Re: 1st trip to Japan
Kevin Gowen wrote:
> Louise Bremner wrote:
>> Kevin Gowen <> wrote:
>>> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>>>> Louise Bremner wrote:
>>>>> Ron Hitler Barrassi <> wrote:
>>>>>> Louise Bremner wrote:
>>>>>>> Ron Hitler Barrassi <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> My last care package, and I do mean *last* included flavoured
>>>>>>>> dehydrated rice meals. Yes, rice.
>>>>>>> Um.... I ask visitors to bring rice if they really want to give me
>>>>>>> something I can't buy in Japan. But I make it clear I mean Basmatti
>>>>>>> rice....
>>>>>> Seijou near Shinjuku Minamiguchi. Or a stroll through Okubo.
>>>>> Real Basmati? Or just the cheapest stuff they can fob off as "ethnic"
>>>>> (bearing in mind the 1000% import duties)?
>>>> Seijo has Thai Jasmine which I love. In Okubo there are lots of ethnic
>>>> shops run by real ethnics. The Indian stores are heaven on earth and
>>>> have several types of rice.
>>> What is an ethnic?
>> In this context, I think it means any cuisine that involves chili
>> peppers.... I use quotes, though, because it doesn't match my own
>> definition.
> I meant when used a noun to refer to a person e.g. "The shopkeeper is an
> ethnic." I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.
Main Entry: 2ethnic
Function: noun
: a member of an ethnic group; especially : a member of a
minority group who retains the customs, language, or social views
of the group
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