Re: Marriage
"Guus Veldhuis" <> wrote in message
> Thanks, for some answers till now. I have a relation with a Japanese woman
> now for nearly a year and we were not thinking about marriage at. I have a
> job offered for a year and the owner of the company request at the
> emigration office, a work and staying permit.
> My girlfriend heard bad news about the new rules given to the emigration
> office to limit foreigners, specially the one without degrees. I have no
> degrees, just the job offer and I come from the Netherlands. My girlfriend
> came up wih the idea of the marriage.
> I hope everyone now understands what is going on. If someone has advice
> please let me know,.
Your situation seems to be what Louise Bremner guessed it was.
Frankly as other people said I wouldn't get married just for the sake of
getting a job in Japan.
If you do want to get married, I don't suppose the procedure is any
different from what you'd have to do if you got married to a Dutch lady.
Your girlfriend would need to contact her embassy I suppose.
Getting a visa to work in Japan just requires going to the Japanese embassy,
I mean, ask them, not some clowns on a newsgroup.
What kind of job is it any way?
Can't you get a job in the Netherlands?
See you, take care, bye.
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