Re: Is it just me...
necoandjeff wrote:
> Michael Cash wrote:
>>On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 05:25:42 GMT, "necoandjeff" <>
>>brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>>Danny Wilde wrote:
>>>>"Edward Mills" <> wrote in message
>>>>>On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 21:27:40 +0900, Eric Takabayashi wrote:
>>>>>>Back in 1987, it was TV and videos which first taught me
>>>>>>conversational Japanese.
>>>>>You mean like the old guy that does the voiceovers for those TBS
>>>>>retardathons? You know the guy who talks like a mix between an old
>>>>>woman having a massive orgasm and a high school girl trying to
>>>>>sound like a five year old girl?
>>>>I don't know why people here want to insult Japanese TV so much and
>>>>say how stupid the people on Japanese TV are.
>>>It's a fairly typical phenomenon among the not-so-deep thinkers
>>>among us, actually. When in your own country, things are just stupid
>>>and taken for granted, but when you are in Japan and you see
>>>something stupid, rather than recall the fact that there are quite
>>>likely things that are just as stupid back in your home country, it
>>>becomes "that stupid Japanese [thing]," which is somehow unique to
>>>the Japanese.
>>I have no access to American television programming. Nor do I want it.
>>If I did have it, I would probably have about the same overall opinion
>>of it that I do Japanese programming.
>>I never feel a need to balance my criticisms of Japanese television by
>>blasting American television at the same time. I don't have American
>>programming, so it is entirely irrelevant. When something on
>>television in my home gets my dander up, I don't tell myself "Well, it
>>sucks back home, too".
> Nor do you need to. I'm just pointing out the fact that TV sucking at home
> is generally referred to as "TV sucks" whereas TV sucking in Japan is
> generally referred to (by foreigners) as "Japanese TV sucks" which, intended
> or not, implies that Japanese TV sucks more than non-Japanese TV.
Whilst I agree US TV sucks, TV at home does not suck.
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