necoandjeff wrote:
> chrismarkcanada wrote:
>>Hello here is a link to my web page you will find I have updated it
>>and added more than 30 photos of Japan.  I lived in Kitakyushu and
>>worked on the JET programe.  If you have questions about Kitakyushu
>>and teaching english please feel free to contact me.
> You were an English teacher? I count seven, possibly eight errors in the
> above, ummmm, three sentences. I may have to stop placing all the blame for
> the horrible state of English education here on the Ministry of Education...

Hello, here is a link to my web page. You will find I have 
updated it and added more than 30 photos of Japan.  I lived in 
Kitakyushu and worked on the JET Programme.  If you have 
questions about Kitakyushu or teaching English, please feel free 
to contact me.

(is the comma after English strictly necessary?)