"Michael Cash" <mikecash@buggerallspammers.com> wrote in message

> This man is my 8th grade English teacher's son.

At least, that's someone you won't have to share your Christmas fried
chicken with. And he might be innocent, you never know.

My cousin brought a guy to my grand-dad's house and she presented him as her
fiance. It's our local O.J. Simpson.
You can read a brief summary of his history in the part called  "Springtime
for Patrick...." :


The last sentence is one of the most moderated opinion among those of the
dozens of lawyers, judges, cops or other justice specialists that talked
about the case :
"Asked about it later, an attorney general at Paris' court of appeals said
that an acquittal did not necessarily mean somebody was innocent."

Now I get why this year, the other unmarried cousins (most) and me, have not
heard the usual : "Why are you not getting married at your age..." speech.

If you can read French and have time to lose, you can try to get details of
the case, with the disfunctioning cops, the legal loophole, money loving
lawyers, etc. That's the sort of story you'd enjoy reading if that happened
here or in Sepponia.