Re: Why Koreans hate Japanese
Mike Giggler <mgiggler@ampersand.comma> wrote:
>blah blah Derek Smallsbury <> blah
>blah blah blah blah blah blah Re: Why Koreans hate Japanese blah
>blah blah ... :
>>"Kevin Gowen" <> wrote:
>>>Derek Smallsbury wrote:
>>>> Alternatively, it could be that Kevin is confused. In attempting to
>>>> exploit racial stereotypes (how noble) in American eyes - that British
>>>> and Japanese have bad teeth.
>>>"British" and "Japanese" are races?
>>Of the many assertions I made under that explanation you choose to
>>question that one alone.
>>Well if you're happy with that. So I can take it that you agree that
>>"Kevin was confused"
>>"Kevin was attempting to exploit stereotypes in American eyes - that
>>British and Japanese have bad teeth." (Through your American eyes what
>>stereotype do you see it to be? You tell me. You can change it from
>>"racial" if you wish. I'm not going to labour the point.)
>>That "Kevin is reinforcing another stereotype - that Americans are
>>vain, stupid and don't understand irony."
>>I must admit I'm quite moved by your unstereotypical humility.
>Ok so he got the joke wrong. Get a life!
It could have been a good joke if only he'd thought it through ;)
(happy with the smiley?)
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