Kevin Gowen wrote:

> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>>>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>> "Kerry Criticizes Election Outcome"
>>>>> - Kevin
>>>> I just found out what Bush I's name is.
>>>> George Herbert Walker Bush
>>>> and his son's name is
>>>> George Walker Bush
>>>> and Jeb has a son called
>>>> George Prescott Bush
>>>> What sort of dick names his son the name as himself?
>>>> Certainly a distinct lack of imagination in that family.
>>> I don't know any, so I could say.
>> Really, Number Two? Most people think that ignorance is a reason to 
>> shut up.
> Yes, really.

You are such a tease; don't keep me waiting. Apparently, you don't know, 
so you can say.  Please do. Maybe ask Kevin Gowen to see if he doesn't 
know either. You may well have a whole family of people who don't know, 
so can say.

> I have no opinion regarding who you should know of or care about.

If I am supposed to "bring it on as Kirsten Dunst did" then obviously 
you do. Is she some famous Seppo?