"Louise Bremner" <dame_zumari@yahoo.com> wrote in message

> OK, now that I'm tuned to seeing them, I see them on the shelves here in
> the local supermarkets, but there are plenty of other oils there too.
> What has Osaka done to deserve that?

There are dozens of sorts of oils, but when I read the labels, I find the
choice for oils bearing a high temperature is very reduced. It's not a
problem for most people in Osaka as they are nihonjins (or can pretend to),
their neighbours won't say anything if that stinks and smokes when they fry
buta-kimchi or tempura, but the smell of my tempura would cause a scandal.
Anyway, I've got the gastro as a Xmas present (merci Maman), so I won't
feel hungry for anything fat before ages.