Musashi wrote:
> "Ron Hitler Barrassi" <> wrote in message news:cro7gl$bbo$
>>Musashi wrote:
>>>"Brett Robson" <> wrote in message news:crkmo3$ca6$
>>>>Musashi wrote:
>>>>>"Brett Robson" <> wrote in message news:cri84b$l9f$
>>>>>>Musashi wrote:
>>>>>>>"TXZZ" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>She admitted to hitting her children for one thing.  How can that
>>>>>>>>I'm sure you found that very funny and very witty, while getting a warm
>>>>>>>>fuzzy feeling from teaching me japanese 
>>>>>>people that use kanji for 良い are dicks.
>>>>>That is a gross generalization.
>>>>>People who complain about using or not using kanji, when the poster is dealing with the hassle
>>>>>of the MS input editor, are the same kind of people who complain about misspellings and punctuation
>>>>>errors in posts written in English.....namely; dicks.
>>>>That analogy is completely fatuous. Or maybe your English really
>>>>is shit.
>>>Do you think my English is shit?
>>>Show me where evidence to support that claim.
>>I do now. The word "or" provides a condition or alternative. You may
>>have missed this.
>>>>If you are blaming MS input editor for your stupid written
>>>>Japanese, then your really are a dick.
>>>Seems that it is you who has a problem with reading and comprehending English.
>>>Since, despite your name, you are incapable of understanding what I wrote, allow me
>>>to "translate" it for you;
>>>People can't be bothered with silly gramatical issues in any language when posting,
>>>and only a major asshole like you would make an issue out of it.
>>>Hope this helps.
>>No, it doesn't. Correct usage of kanji is not grammar. People who over
>>use kanji when using computers are inconsiderate of their readers; want
>>to /appear/ overly formal or intelligent; or are just plain thoughtless.
> You people deserve to have Matt Outland residing here

Careful, you are being very Japanese.