"Musashi" wrote in evul-printable ...
> I heard yesterday from a friend in Tokyo that Japanese
> web sites which had the Kouda Beheading Video have
> taken them off under the instructions of the Japanese 
> government, on the grounds that it is distressing and
> disrespectful to the surviving family and friends of the victim.
> Has anyone else heard this?

Probably - but not me.

> While I certainly agree with the reasoning, if this is true, 
> the notion that a government of a democratic country can or 
> should do such a thing disturbs me. After all, Japan is not
> the 中華人民共和国。

Ah well I would first check (apart from whether it happened at
all) whether they were _official_ instructions from a bit of the
Japanese government with relevant authority or whether it was
an unofficial request from one or more people who happen to
be part of the Japanese government.