"Michael Cash" wrote ...
> "masayuki" brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>"Ryan Ginstrom" wrote ...
>>> <mtfester@netMAPSONscape.net> wrote ...
>>>> Are you sure you're not an American?
>>> Can't be. He has evidenced a most un-American appreciation of irony in the
>>> past.
>>What is "un-American appreciation of something"?
> Simple enough to explain this one:
> Americans have no appreciation of irony.
> Masayuki has demonstrated an appreciation of irony.
> Therefore, Masayuki must not be an American.

Odd.  I thought it was "TRUE Americans have no appreciation
of irony.  Masayuki has demonstrated an appreciation of irony.
Therefore, Masayuki has BETRAYED the American heritage 
and should be hounded out of the country to some far place like