Hey, you ! If you dislike China you'd better lose your nationality.
Similarly Japanese who dislike Japan had better lose their own nationality.
This is reasonable, you know.

But those who grumbling over their own country (*) usually dislike
themselves, you know. They always put the blame on their own country for
their own LACK OF ABILITY.

               THIS IS THE PITS OF THE WORLD !

                    (*) If they criticize the policy of the government,
                         anything will do in Japan.

Look around yourself in Japan, and you'll find many of THE LOWEST OF THE
LOW. If your eyes get fogged or your brains aren't impervious to reason you
can't find them and can't have even an elementary knowledge of Japan.

One who is ordinary usually can't notice it by being flattered or being said
a soft-soap. If you are, you are THE VERY THE LOWEST (**) OF THE LOW.

                 (**) They are uneducated and unknowledgeable still
                       more have no money.

your friend