jim_breen@hotmail.com wrote:
> Apud necoandjeff <spam@schrepfer.com> (sci.lang.japan) hoc legimus:
>><jim_breen@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>>I think I've told the story I heard from a lecturer in Australian
>>>Studies at 同志社大学 who organizes trips for her students. A couple
>>>of students complained mightily that they'd been told they'd be
>>>home-staying with Australian families and then they found they were
>>>actually staying with *Chinese*. The fact that the families were
>>>2nd or 3rd gen. Australian didn't cut any ice; they weren't white,
>>>so according to the students they weren't really Australian.
>>Did they talk with a funny accent? 
> Everyone in Sydney talks funny.

My Seppo friend who lives close to me and known to many people in
fj.life.-in-japan has a 15 year old daughter who can't understand
a word I say due my beautiful Queen's English and loves to tease
me about. I get my next year when she goes to Sydney for a home stai.