Ryan Ginstrom wrote:

> That is probably borderline for JET.

It's been increased recently, I don't remember exactly but I
think it is 40 now.

> One of the posters here did JET, then Japanese langauge school, then the IT
> thing.

Me. In retrospect that was a mistake, I was bored stiff after a
couple of months on JET. Still, you get brought here, 3yr visa
is arranged and you have a house and a job. If you do have the
money then 6 months at a school like www.yamasa.org will give you
a fantastic leg up. After that though you still have the issue of
not having a job.

> Ability to communicate in Japanese (say around the 1-kyu level) reportedly
> commands a premium. 

Especially in areas like security, networking and Unix/Linux
admin where most of the doco is in English.

> Some say that in today's market, it is essential (except
> in industries like finance).

Most of the truely foriegn companies here have disapeared and
have become Japanese companies with funny names. As Ryan said
finance is the last hold out but with the tight job market they
are expecting high levels of Japanese too.
