Michael Cash wrote:
> On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 14:47:29 +0900, Brett Robson <info@secret-web.com>
> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>I'll see your FAIR and raise you a MRC.
>>>- Kevin
>>Oh my dog Kevin, stop it your killing me! This is right under the 
>>main banner:
>>"This is a great book...there’s a lot of ammunition in there to 
>>go after your liberal friends." - Sean Hannity
> Second Amendment bans assault rifles? First Amendment bans assault
> books?

Don't know much about these fist, second, and third amendments. 
My guess it is a christian holy book with the "love your 
neighbour" and "don't covert your neighbour's ass" removed to 
allow for storage of ammunition.
