Brett Robson <> wrote:

> wrote:

>>>>I liked the Ueno museums; for most artifacts, you can trace the
>>>>China -> Korea -> Japan transition nicely.
>>>>And it's close to the zoo, in case the panda's still alive.

>>>That zoo is horrible. The whole concept of zoos is horrible, but if you want
>> So, you disapprove of the fact that zoos and such brought back (eg) the
>> California condor?

> Yes, there are much better organisations to do work like that 
> than zoos.

There are; and zoos are often members of some of those organizations as

> (having spent a year as a dancing bear in Toyama, I am an expert)

I'm not a aware of Toyama's contribution to the Condor recovery, but as
long as there's beer involved, it can't be bad.
