Re: Killer father gets 5 years for son's brutal death
Louise Bremner <> wrote:
> Eric Takabayashi <> wrote:
>> It certainly does get me that the best way such people can think of to
>> quiet a crying infant or toddler is to beat them, pound their head on
>> something, or to throw them.
> No thought involved at all.... Have you ever had to look after a small
> child who wouldn't stop crying, no matter what you do? There's that
> instant where something snaps. Most people can catch themselves just
> before they lash out, most of the time.
And them as can't, should end up in jail for a period of time
commensurate with the consequences of their lack of self control.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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