Re: xenu manifesto
"xenu_maximus" wrote ...
> The Manifesto:
> Preamble:
> Any good troll worth his salt has a manifestoe, it helps you understand
> what his beef is. Thus is the purpose of my
> manifestoe, it is to serve notice to those who need it that they will
> have to reflect upon the peeves they ahve cause:
> Introduction:
> Usenet is a place of recreation, also a place to rant, for some a place
> to lurk, other more, confused people seem to think it
> is for spamming with k00kscreed, spamming in general or defining usenet
> policy over which they have no authority, in this
> form these would be net cops. Where you find trolls, you will find
> netcops, and conversely, the opposite is true.
> Why do I troll:
> Because I can, usenet is a large, vast ocean of no man's land. Unless a
> group is slated as moderated, it is inherently
> UNmoderated, and although each group has it's own faq, which gives
> posting guidelines and the like, the truth is, such a
> doucment bears no real authority. People are still free to post as they
> see fit, as well as apply killfiles as they see fit.
> This fact is the first ostabcle to a netcop's flawed logic.
> Items (Peeves of interest)
> Liberals: Liberals will always be a peeve of priority, because the truth
> is, they are far more deeply mired in their
> bullshit dogma than most groups, anything liberal good, anything not,
> must be part of a vast right wing conspiracy. They
> blindly follow Michael Moore even though his treason is obvious. They
> perpetuate the feminist Political Correctedness agenda
> shamelessly, and are nothing without the cult of the victim and the
> welfare dependency complex. Without victims to champion,
> real or imagined, these people have nothing relevant in their lives.
> Hypocracy is their calling card.
> Right wingers: Equal airtime for equal evils, as the loonie lefties have
> their twits, so does the Christian right, who has
> spewed out no shortage of loons in their time, including such winners as
> Jerry Fallwell who blamed 911 on the gay agenda.
> (Hint: There is no gay agenda, just a bunch of people with inferiority
> complexes who dont understand how reproduction works.)
> These people are just as likely to attack, smear and undermine the
> efforts of anything that is against them (Must be leftie),
> and thus earn peevehood all on their own.
> UFO Nuts: These guys are always fun, and in fact contribute some of the
> better net k00ks out there on the circuit. John
> Winston, Twonky among others. These are the guys who believe in tin foil
> hats, Art bell and grey headed pheotus stealers.
> Where they are, there will be k00kologists, and where they be, there is
> trollin' to be done. It's like sharks to a frenzy.
> PETA: Where to even begin, these are those eco terror funding losers
> who believe every animal has the same rights
> that you do, even liberals shy away from these freaks. The worst thing
> about them, is although they will go to great lengths
> to avoid admitting it, the ones who don't spread their views with
> organized acts of arson, fund those that do. These are ELF
> and ALF, and members of peta frequently have mutual memberships in both
> organizations.
> Yuppie Infestation: This is whats going on at least in my neighborhood.
> You will someone sell a farm or have a parcel of
> unused land where you could reasonably build maybe three houses, and this
> will be strip mined and you will shove in a whole
> culdasac, and the houses will be thrown up in record time, with the
> crappiest particle board and then sold off at $300,000 to
> yuppie breeder scum who start bagging out kids, cluttering what little of
> a yard they have with kinder crap and polluting the
> area with SUVs, cell phones, kinder crap and screaming brats. They then
> try to take over the town and spread their virus to
> the rest of the areas they don't infest.
> Breeders: See above, these folks are not just parents, they are
> breeders, this is what they live to do. Nothing is more
> important, more special than their brats. they have entitlement on the
> brain and the world revolves around either their kids,
> or them, because they have kids, just ask them.
> Suv Cell phone using scum: These are those clueless scum you see whenever
> you drive anywhere. Driving a vehicle that is
> way too big for them, guzzles gas at a rate that makes arabs salivate
> and they just can't ever, ever be made to put that
> infernal cell phone down. typical these vermin come in two forms, harried
> breeders who can't drive because they are on their
> phone or yelling at their fussing brats. Or they are some little twenty
> two year bimbo who jsut cant part with her phone
> because she'll be out of the loop until she gets home, god forbid.
> K00Ks: This is too general a category to get into by any sense
> of category, they are too numerous, but they all seem
> to have a few things in common. First of which, hidden forces are out to
> silence them as they sermonize usenet with their
> secret knowledge. Normal folks call it k00kscreed, but to them, it is
> life itself and only they can enlighten us. Many of
> them actively try to stalk, drive offline and otherwise harass those who
> dare disagree them, you know the normals.
> Mens rights: These people are like namla members, they are for the
> downtrodden, the oppressed, that poor little white
> middle class male who doesnt want to stay married or pay the allimony and
> child support that they own the missus, sorry, they
> call them discards. They think they should have access to their kids but
> shouldn't have to pay for it. Women that were raped
> were "asking for it", and they quiet seem to be okay with women beating
> to. Some of the k00ks that revolve around this farce
> make false claims of being trial consultants while others show their
> darker sides a bit too much. fair to say these folks
> have spit out more than one stalker or loon. Pangborn?
> Conversely there are more than a few feminists who go too far and
> need to get over themselves and their lost cause as
> well, so by the same above logic, I fail to see why they can't be
> considered fair game well.
> Smokers Rights: These are the people who among other things are
> pushing the claim that smoking is a national civic
> duty, and that they have the right to poison not just themselves but
> those around them. Simply put, they don't, and because
> they become increasingly belligerent in their rhetoric, they must be
> trolled. They cry about smoking bans, but we have yet to
> live in the righteous age where roving goon squads search homes for
> cancer sticks and flush them, so I naturally dont see
> what the big deal is.
> Religion: Must be broken down by faith:
> Catholicism and it's recovery: I say and it's recovery
> because, let's face it, how many of you know "happy"
> catholics? I would wager very few. Many are "recovering" from dealing
> with abusive nuns and priests, or catholic school. It
> seems that the catholic church has been much more important than the
> catholic faith, figure out what I'm saying. And more to
> the point, until the priesthood comes to grips with it's sex scandal and
> FIXES it, it has no moral authority at all.
> Mormons: Mormons are a farce, believing in a white salamander
> and started by a guy on the run for
> murder from vermont. Nuff said. False faith made by a false messiah.
> Scientology: Yet another cult, even worse than the mormons,
> because what church needs lawyers to survivor.
> These scumbags try to get their tentacles into every available nook or
> cranny that they can, and ruin people's lives. Anyone
> who has a beef with sciencraptology has a point.
> Atheists: Are simply idiots who have the ironic viewpoint of
> believing in nothing sacred yet being very
> much on their high horse. They have no moral authority and they believe
> in n othing. They are whats wrong with America.
> Conclusion: As you can see, there is more than a little bit of stuff
> to work with here, so this is just the beginning, no
> doubt there will be others who will reveal themselves. Itemize a list of
> k00ks an kookologists alone would be an undertaking
> of constant effort as the list of both never seems to be getting any
> smaller. So in short, where there are k00ks, there will
> be kookologists, and where there are those, there will be trolls, and
> there, I will be.
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