Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:

> Dan Rempel wrote:
>> Ok, now you've got me intrigued; I love Mel Blanc (BTW, did you ever
>> listen to the Carl Stalling Project stuff I sent you? In fact, did I
>> even send it, hmm...).
> Great stuff, isn't it? You should pick up a copy of "Bug Music" by Don
> Byron. Excellent renditions of Raymond Scott music played straight up.
> Well, as straight up as you can play Raymond Scott music, anyway. It is
> missing "Dinner Music for a Pack of Hungry Cannibals", though, and I
> don't know how they could do that.

Yup, it's impossible for me to listen to the Stalling stuff without
immediately seeing all those images; permanently installed in my brain,
I suppose. As for Bug Music, I have a copy of that, but it's damanged
and won't play in my machine, so I can only guess at what I'm missing.
