On what PLANET is British food better than ANY other food? (Certainly
it isn't the case on Earth)

You're right about their reputation which IMO (and excluding fish and
chips) is a well deserved one.  

Finally, what is American food? You mean steak and baked potatoes??
You're going to to tell me that's on the Yorkshire Pudding and Haggis
llevel of stomach churning? I don't think so.


On Wed, 11 Feb 2004 14:58:34 +1100, "Wall Mountable"
<tdwilson@aapt.net.au> wrote:

>I think the British hate America because American food makes British food
>taste just dandy, which threatens Britains crowning achievement of having
>the worst food in the world
>"Ryan Ginstrom" <ginstrom@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> "Murchadh" <murchadh@shaw.ca> wrote in message
>> > On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 13:38:46 +0900, "Ryan Ginstrom"
>> > <ginstrom@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> > >Believe me, if America wasn't the best place in the world to live, I
>> > >wouldn't make it my home.
>> >
>> > You've never travelled then? Another peon, blinded by the propaganda.
>> >
>> It's true, I don't get around much. I spend most of my time within about
>> miles of my home. That doesn't change the fact that I wouldn't live in the
>> Good Ole US of A if it wasn't the best place on earth.
>> -- 
>> Regards,
>> Ryan Ginstrom