John W. <> wrote:

> I'll admit to having downloaded my share of stuff back in the late 20th 
> century days of Napster. But my position on this has changed 
> dramatically. There's nothing that I absolutely *have* to see so badly 
> as to break the law, just because *I* want it. I admit to being a bit of 

Here's a question: if something you wanted was available ONLY by illegal
download (in my case Bill Nelson's "On a Blue Wing" albumn), how would
you feel? In other words, no way to get the albumn legally, because
it's no longer in print, and the only things you can get (IF you can
get them) are old, scratchy LPs.

Just curious.

BTW, if anyone HAS a copy of the CD, lemme know; I'll happily be
overcharged for it :-)
