On 6/21/2004 6:52 AM, Ernest Schaal wrote:
> in article 01jBc.2533$H45.1202@newssvr25.news.prodigy.com, necoandjeff at
> spam@schrepfer.com wrote on 6/21/04 1:35 AM:
>>"necoandjeff" <spam@schrepfer.com> wrote in message
>>>"Elbow" <elbowcutthispartoutplease...@gol.com> wrote in message
>>>>Just fancied going to see the 2nd Kill Bill but wanted to know if there
>>>>any Japanese in the story and does it have subtitles in English for
>>>Yes, and yes.
>>Sorry, I just reread this and realized you are talking about Kill Bill 2,
>>not 1. I haven't seen that one yet.
> When I was Kill Bill 1 in Japan there was plenty of Japanese dialogue, but
> with no subtitles. Kill Bill 2 has less.

Yup. Pretty much none, as I recall. But there is some Cantonese dialog. 
I'd be curious to know how the Japanese subtitlers handle it. (It is not 
very complimentary about Japan and the Japanese, ahem.)

I would not be surprised if the original English subtitles for the 
Cantonese dialog are still in the prints being shown in Japanese 
theaters, but you never really know about these things.

Scott Reynolds                                      sar@gol.com