Re: GLORIOUS NIPPON is now out.
On Jun 30, 11:15 am, chuckers <> wrote:
> On Jun 30, 10:35 am, "John W." <> wrote:
> > On Jun 29, 6:53 pm, The 2-Belo <>
> > wrote:> But like they say, if you've gotta go, make sure it's in as irritating a way as
> > > possible. Going 0-0 through extra time only to lose because you missed one (1)
> > > penalty kick is pretty irritating.
> > Better that than the way England or the US went out, IMHO.
> > John W.
> A straight out loss versus something that could have been done in its
> place and
> saved 2 hours of running around the pitch? Hrmmm...not sure I agree
> with that.
A straight out loss such as that to the Netherlands, will never be
remembered the way a PK shoot out is. It sears the memory and gets the
"what if" stories told. I'd prefer the old fashioned golden goal
solution to draws at the end of extra time, but apparently letting the
teams run each other into the ground for additional hours is risky
from a health (read insurance) point of view.
> They had a good go at it and holding Paraguay to a 0-0 draw is a
> pretty good effort.
> Bit of a shame it had to go down to PKs.
Every kid in the local park this morning was practising their spot
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