Kevin Wayne Williams <kww.nihongo@verizon.nut> wrote:
> wrote:

>> Ernest Schaal <> wrote:
>>>in article T7uAc.44199$, Kevin Wayne Williams
>>>at kww.nihongo@verizon.nut wrote on 6/18/04 1:24 PM:

>>>>EIC can result in a refund greater than taxes paid in. That's a negative
>>>>tax rate in my book. The citations that Mr. Fester posted concur, and

>> Uh, no  they don't. They cite AVERAGE rates for all people in the
>> group.

>> I can see why you have problems with statistics, Mr Williams.

>>>>describe that tax burden on the bottom 20% of the population as negative.

>>>Does Mike realize that?

>> Do either you or Mr Williams realize that Earned Income Credit is not
>> available to the income brackets on web page cited?

>> Do you two know what Earned Income Credit is?
> From the notest on table 1-9:
> "The share of taxes paid by the lowest quintile is less than zero and is 
> not shown."

> You need to read more carefully

There is no table 1-9 in either of


> if you expect to get anywhere in life, 

It won't be the happy home for "imaginative" readers...


> Mike.