Ernest Schaal <> wrote:
> in article caqpdn$j8k$1@news.Stanford.EDU, at
> wrote on 6/17/04 9:42 AM:

>>>> None of the above apply to the poor.
>>> Even with tax shelters, Bill Gates pays a LOT of taxes, the extreme poor pay
>> And he get a LOT of benefits.

> Yes, he gets a lot of benefits from the money he has earned, but no he does
> not get a LOT of benefits from the US government. On the contrary, a large


So he gets no benefits from the funding of roads (which he and his
companies will benefit from), school systems, defense, health, research,
public safety, etc?

> I don't expect you to be capable of understanding the economics or politics

So, this is where you declare yourself the clever little man and thus
the winner of the argument, by dint of your self-assured understanding
of the intricacies of politics and econmics.

Well, allow me to extend a hearty "well done, sir". Truly, you are "the 
