Re: Driving on the left
John Yamamoto-Wilson wrote:
> I wrote:
>>>Britain's trains are a joke.
> Bart Mathias commented:
>>I used them for three weeks in the summer of 1998 and didn't
>>notice anything funny, or problematic, about them.
> [Lurid desicription about what's not funny, and is problematic
> riding trains in Merry Olde.]
>>Sure beat anything here on O`ahu.
> Ah, O'ahu. Well, if I say Japanese trains are to British trains what Hanauma
> Bay is to Bognor Regis, will that help to convey my point?
I think the analogy means I don't want to go snorkeling in Bognor Regis.
Is there any ocean there?
My experience with train riding in England was considerably more
pleasant, but only amounted to rides between Lewes and London and Lewes
and Brighton. And one to that airport south of London the nice name of
which is eluding me.
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