Re: What is the best way to handle client/server envirnment for ten or more computers in a network using it constantly.. Like Supermarket..
can you post the code for the error traps? that pause and retry.. etc...
thankz.. here is my code..
I use ADO + Jet + Access..
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<% ' My ASP program that allows you to append a record %>
<form name="myauthor" action="dbnewADOrespond.asp" method="GET">
<p>Author ID: <input type="TEXT" name="id"></p>
<p> Author Name: <input type="TEXT" name="name"></p>
<p> Year Born: <input type="TEXT" name="year"></p>
<p> <input type="SUBMIT"> </p>
The form responder looks like this:
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/learn/test/lib_errors.asp" -->
on error resume next
If auid<9000 then
end if
Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
RS.Open "authors",Conn,adopenstatic,adlockoptimistic
RS("Author") = auname
RS("Year_Born")= int(auyear)
Call ErrorVBscriptReport("Adding Record")
Call ErrorADOReport("Adding Record",RS.activeconnection)
set rs=nothing
Here is the include file that displays appropriate errors:
SUB ErrorVBScriptReport(parm_msg)
If err.number=0 then
exit sub
end if
pad=" "
response.write "<b>VBScript Errors Occured!<br>"
response.write parm_msg & "</b><br>"
response.write pad & "Error Number= #<b>" & err.number & "</b><br>"
response.write pad & "Error Desc.= <b>" & err.description & "</b><br>"
response.write pad & "Help Context= <b>" & err.HelpContext & "</b><br>"
response.write pad & "Help File Path=<b>" & err.helpfile & "</b><br>"
response.write pad & "Error Source= <b>" & err.source & "</b><br><hr>"
SUB ErrorADOReport(parm_msg,parm_conn)
IF HowManyErrs=0 then
exit sub
pad=" "
response.write "<b>ADO Reports these Database Error(s) executing:<br>"
response.write SQLstmt & "</b><br>"
for counter= 0 to HowManyErrs-1
response.write pad & "Error#=<b>" & errornum & "</b><br>"
response.write pad & "Error description=<b>"
response.write errordesc & "</b><p>"
"Jonny Smith" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Are you using Access as a front end? It sounds like you already have the
> front end split from the back end.
> Make sure all of the users are opening the database in a shared mode. The
> problem with using forms and a query in the record source is the constant
> connection maintained between the user and the backend. If you use a
> listbox, you may have more contention for resources. I've read about and
> then proved that problems start with 12 - 15 users and by the time you
> to 30 you will have a corrupted database.
> Some of the systems I've built have as many as 200 users accessing the
> database during a fifteen minute period. The users are writing between 7
> 12 transactions per second. Incidentally this is on an NT machine with 550
> mhz single processor and two scsi hard drives.
> One of the methods I use is by using unbound controls. The program on the
> user's machine connects to the server through ado code. An sql statement
> gets the info. The user program disconnects from the database. The user
> views or changes the data. A connection is re-established with the
> on the server. The updates/inserts are done via sql code. Then we
> disconnect from the database.
> The Access help screens can show how this is all done. Briefly what I do
> set up a module with several functions that do all the work:
> Create the following functions:
> ConnectMDB (inDatabase as string)
> GetRS(inSql as string) as adodb.recordset
> In the form call the two functions, set your textbox's to the values from
> the recordset. For the occasional locking situation this system
> I employ the trappable errors that are mentioned by Michel Walsh. Quite
> often all that is needed is to have your program pause for a second then
> again to update. Try to update every two seconds for ? many times.
> If you are writing new records (inserts) then locking shouldn't be an
> Anyways I could type here for an hour an not cover all the various
> that can be encountered.
> There are many good books out there. Also I use the same techniques with
> 6.0 and Access, VB 6.0 and Oracle....
> Good luck...
> "Michel Walsh" <vanderghast@VirusAreFunnierThanSpam> wrote in message
> news:%23fZiZZosDHA.2440@TK2MSFTNGP12.phx.gbl...
> > Hi,
> >
> >
> > XP is 2000 with some minor improvements.
> >
> > If you write to the database (JET or MS SQL Server) in a
> > users environment, you may specify which type of record locking
> (optimistic
> > or pessimistic) you want in order to avoid incoherence when the two
> > write more or less at the same time on the same record of the same
> > You get run-time trappable error (through an Access Form OnError event,
> > through the standard on error handling if you are outside an Access
> > and there, you can resubmit the "operation", as it fit your need, or
> cancel
> > it (if that is how it should be done).
> >
> >
> > Hoping it may help,
> > Vanderghast, Access MVP
> >
> >
> > "Victor Cheung" <> wrote in message
> > news:hS%vb.2256$
> > > I developed the software with microsoft access.. and windows XP..
> > > Windows XP give me hell... so.. probably use Windows 2000
> > > which I think is a better OS.. i guess.. my question is how can i
> avoid..
> > > the problem when two workstation is try to write to a database file..
> > > mean.. it is okie.. to read .. from a database.. but.. any error
> tracking
> > > method.. or code.. that can find out the file is used by another
> machine..
> > > and automatically wait until the file is free.. and than write to the
> > > database.. instead of giving me error.. when another computer is
> > > data to the database.. etc.. thankz..
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
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