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On Wednesday, March 13, 2013 10:57:27 AM UTC+1, SMW wrote:
> A Concise History of Breast Cancer
> Editor: Marc Lacroix (InTextoResearch, Baelen, Wallonia, Belgium)
> Nova Sciences Publishers (July 2013)
> ISBN: 978-1-62618-461-9
> Book description:
> Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed type of cancer and the
> second leading cause of cancer death in women after lung cancer. It is
> estimated that breast cancer affects more than 1,000,000 women
> worldwide each year, and about 450,000 die from the disease. During
> the last decades, breast cancer has received considerable attention,
> yet it is a very old disease that was described years and years ago.
> This book provides a summary of breast cancer history. It covers the
> ages from the ancient times to the early 2000's, but mainly focuses on
> the 20th century and its numerous discoveries and inventions in the
> field of breast cancer detection, analysis and treatment.
> Table of Contents
> Preface
> Chapter 1: From Prehistoric Times to the End of the Middle Ages
> (Egypt, China, India, Persia, Greece, Rome, Byzance, Islamic Spain,
> Middle Ages)
> Chapter 2: Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries
> Chapter 3: Nineteenth Century
> Chapter 4: Breast Cancer Surgery
> Chapter 5: Breast Cancer Radiotherapy
> Chapter 6: Breast Cancer Chemotherapy (including Combination
> Chemotherapy, Metronomic Chemotherapy...)
> Chapter 7: Endocrine Therapy of Breast Cancer (including Ovarian
> Suppressors, Tamoxifen and Estrogen Receptor Regulators, Aromatase
> Inhibitors...)
> Chapter 8: Targeted Therapy of Breast Cancer (including Immunotherapy)
> Chapter 9: Breast Cancer Staging and Grading
> Chapter 10: Breast Cancer Genetics (including BRCA1, BRCA2...)
> Chapter 11: Breast Cancer Imaging and Detection (including
> Mammography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Ultrasonography,
> Optical Imaging, Thermography, Computer Tomography, Positron Emission
> Tomography, Positron Emission Tomography, PET/CT, Scintigraphy,
> Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, SPECT/CT,
> Scintimammography, BSGI, Elastography, Electrical Impedance
> Tomography...)
> Chapter 12: Breast Cancer Models (including Mouse Models, Rat Models,
> Breast Cancer Cell Lines, Breast Cancer Xenografts, Genetically
> Engineerd Mice, Mammospheres, Breast Cancer Stem Cells...)
> Books Bibliography
> Index of names:
> Abulcasis (Abulkassim Al-Zahrawi); A$(D??(Btius of Amida; Allen, Edgar;
> Allfrey, Vincent; Arderne (John of); Aselli, Gaspare; Astruc, Jean;
> Auchincloss, Hugh; Arcamone, Federico; Arnold, Herbert; Avery, Oswald;
> Baclesse, Fran$(D??(Bois; Bailar, John III; Baillie, Matthew; Banks,
> William; Bartholin, Thomas; Beatson, Thomas; Bergoni$(D??(B, Jean; Bichat,
> Xavier; Billroth, Theodore; Bishop, John; Bissell, Mina; Bittner,
> John; Black, Maurice; Bloodgood, Joseph; Bloom, Julian; Boerhaave,
> Hermann; Bonadonna, Gianni; Borst, Max; Bourseaux, Friedrich; Boveri,
> Theodor; Boyd, Stanley; Breasted, James; Brenner, Sidney; Broca,
> Pierre Paul; Brock, Norbert; Brodie, Angela; Bucalossi, Pietro;
> Burney, Fanny; Cabanas, Ram$(D??(Bn;
> C$(D??(Bceres, Eduardo; Cade, Stanford; Celsus, Aulus Cornelius; Chauliac
> (Gui de); Cheatle, George ; Cohnheim, Julius; Coley, William; Cooper,
> Astley; Cope, Oliver; Cormack, Allan; Cornil, Victor; Crick, Francis;
> Crile, George Jr; Cronin, Thomas; Curie, Marie; Curie, Pierre; Cutler,
> Max; Czerny, Vinzenz; Dahl-Iversen, Erling; Damadian, Raymond;
> Democedes of Croton; Denoix, Pierre; Descartes, Ren$(D??(B; Despeignes,
> Victor; Dodds, Edward; Doisy, Edward; Egan, Robert*; Ehrlich, Paul;
> Ellis, Ian; Elston, Christopher; Fallopio, Gabriele; Farber, Sydney;
> Firor, Warfield; Fisher, Bernard; Foveau de Courmelles, Fran$(D??(Bois;
> Franklin, Rosalind; Fraumeni, Joseph; Frei, Emil III; Freireich, Emil;
> Galen (Claudius Galenus); Gall, Joseph; Gendron, Claude; Gerow, Frank;
> Gershon-Cohen, Jacob; Gillies, Harold; Gilman, Alfred; Gocht,
> Hermann; Godinot, Jean; Goodman, Louis; Gouv$(D??(Ba, Hil$(D??(Brio de; Gray,
> Joseph; Greenough, Robert; Greenspan, Ezra; Gros, Charles; Gross,
> Samuel; Grubb$(D??(B, Emil; Guillemeau, Jacques; Haagensen, Cushman; Haddow,
> Alexander; Halsted, William; Hampton, Caroline; Hanau, Arthur;
> Handley, Richard; Handley, William; Hansemann, David von; Harvey,
> William; Heidelberger, Charles; Heidenhein, Lothar; Heister, Lorenz;
> Helvetius, Adrian; Herodotus; Hertz, Roy; Hildanus, Wilhelm Fabricius
> (Fabrice of Hilden); Hippocrates of Cos; Hoffman, Edward; Hoffmann,
> Friedrich; Holland, James; Hounsfield, Godfrey; Huebner, Robert;
> Huggins, Charles; Hungerford, David; Hunter, John; Ingleby, Helen;
> Jacob, Fran$(D??(Bois; Johansen, Helge; Jordan, Virgil Craig; Kaae, Sigvard;
> Keynes, Geoffrey; Knudson, Alfred; K$(D??(Bhler, Georges; K$(D??(Bster, Ernst;
> Lacassagne, Antoine; La$(D??(Bnnec, Ren$(D??(B; Lanfranchi, Guido; Laqueur, Ernst;
> Larrey, Dominique-Jean; Lasfargues, Etienne; Lathrop, Abbie;
> Lauterbur, Paul; Lawson, Raymond; Leakey, Louis; Lebert, Hermann;
> Leborgne, Ra$(D??(Bl; Le Doussal, Viviane; Le Dran, Henri-Fran$(D??(Bois; Lees,
> James; Leonides of Alexandria; Lerner, Leonard; Lett, Hugh; Li,
> Frederic; Li, Min Chiu; Lindskog, Gustaf; Lister, Joseph; Loeb, Leo;
> Loeser, Alfred; Long, Crawford; Louis, Antoine; Luckhardt, Arno;
> MacDonald, Ian; MacLeod, Colin; Manchot, Carl; Mansfield, Peter;
> Margottini, Mario; Martynova, RP; McCarty, Maclyn; McWhirter, Robert;
> Meselson, Matthew; Meyer, Willie; Milstein, C$(D??(Bsar; Mirsky, Alfred*;
> Mondeville (Henri de); Moore, Charles; Morgagni, Giovanni; Morgan,
> Thomas; Morton, William; Muller, Hermann; M$(D??(Bller, Johannes; Murley,
> Reginald; Mustakallio, Sakari; Neal, Donald; Nordling, Carl; Novinsky,
> Mstislav; Nowell, Peter; Nunn, Thomas; Ochsner, Albert; Oribasius;
> Osler, William; Ozzello, Luciano; Paget, James; Paget, Stephen;
> Pancoast, Joseph; Paracelsus (Phillipus von Hohenheim); Pardue, Mary-
> Lou; Par$(D??(B, Ambroise; Park, Wallace; Pasteur, Louis; Paterson, James;
> Patey, David; Paul of Aegina; Pecquet, Jean; Petit, Jean-Louis;
> Peyrilhe, Bernard; Pfahler, George; Phelps, Michael; Pinkel, Daniel;
> Portmann, Ursus; Pott, Percival; Ramazzini, Bernardino; R$(D??(Bcamier,
> Joseph; Reid, John; Ribbert, Hugo; Richardson, William; Rigoni-Stern,
> Domenico; Rodman, William; R$(D??(Bntgen, Wilhelm; Rudbeck, Olof; Russell,
> Marion; Salomon, Albert; Scarff, Robert; Scultetus, Johannes;
> Schinzinger, Albert; Severinus, Marcus Aurelius; Sjogren, Tage;
> Skipper, Howard; Slamon, Dennis; Smith, Edwin; Stahl, Georges-Ernest;
> St$(D??(Bhelin, Dominique; Steinthal, Karl; Stenbeck, Thor; Stout, Arthur;
> Strickler, Albert; Sugarbaker, Everett; Tansini, Iginio; Thackray,
> Alan; Thiersch, Karl; Todaro, George; Tribondeau, Louis; Tyzzer,
> Ernest; Ulrich, Paul; Urban, Jerome ; Vallebona, Alessandro; Varmus,
> Harold; Velpeau, Alfred; Veronesi, Umberto; Vesalius, Andreas;
> Virchow, Rudolph; Volkmann, Richard von; Waldeyer, Wilhelm von;
> Wangensteen, Owen; Ward, Roy; Warren, Stafford; Watson, James; Wild,
> John; Wilkins, Maurice; Williams, Ivor; Winge, $(D??(Bjvind; Wise, Leslie;
> Winiwarter, Alexander von; Zur Hausen, Harald