On Mar 24, 4:10 am, Kayak44 <s200hondas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > And check your psychological state as well.  Killing a fellow human
> > can be a heavy load to carry the rest of your life.
> A fellow human being doesn't break into your house, a dirtbag criminal
> does.

OK, I'm going to be blunt here.  You (and Stormin Mormon who agrees
with you) don't know what you're talking about.  Talk to some soldiers
who've killed people and who saw that they were killing a specific
individual.  (Most soldiers don't really aim, they just let 'er rip
that'away and never know if they hit anyone or not).  If you can get
them to talk about (many won't), ask how they feel about doing an

I was in the army during the Vietnam war.  I managed to avoid that
"tropical paradise" but did talk to many who had been there.  One knew
that he had killed two people and the first one still bothered him.
That was a guy who tossed a hand grenade into his jeep.  Even though
he knew the guy intended to kill him, it still bothered him, years
later, that he had taken a human life.  The second one he killed
didn't bother him much which is rather scary itself.

Unless you have a pathogenic personality, killing another human, even
a criminal, will bother you.