Re: Any one familiar with Japanese Law?
wow the only one who actually read my post.
Cheers John.
We are not talking loads of money here, just I cant pay right now.
I was more interested in the next of kin thing.
"John W." <> wrote in message
> Elbow wrote:
> > Allo,
> > I'd like to know if me or my wife is responsible if one of us is sued.
> > I had a slight accident with my car and found out my insurance will not
> > out for some reason I cant go into here.
> > The other car owner is now saying that because my insurance wont pay up
> > I dont have a job he can get the money from my wife.
> > Is this true? Is she just as responsible for what I do regardlessof if
> > was even inolved?
> >
> > Love to know where I stand.
> > Im only really interested in the law, not if I can get away with out
> > I'm happy to pay but not happy they think they can harrass my wife every
> > with phone calls.
> >
> Get a lawyer pronto. Your wife can most likely be sued; is she or her
> family acting as your guarantor or something like that?
> My father in law had the misfortune to run into the rear end of a Yakuza
> guy's car. Nearly went bankrupt because of it. Seems a fender bender
> sent the guy to the hospital for over a month. Get a lawyer, and tell
> the people to only contact the lawyer from now on. If they keep calling
> endlessly after that, tell them you'll call the police and follow through.
> John W.
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