Jamorama:The cutting-edge guitar learning kit!
The cutting-edge guitar learning kit with YOU in mind,
so that you will get immensely satisfying results FAST!
Jamorama is designed to be the easiest to follow system
for learning how to play the guitar available. It is
jam-packed with information, including 84 powerful
lessons, 54 cutting-edge video lessons, over 400 separate
sound files, the broadest range of jam tracks available
anywhere, 1000s of lines of tabulature AND step-by-step
instructions training you to play by ear, so you can play
virtually any song that you ever hear on the radio - this
is truly cutting-edge material!
$39.95 US
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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\ul\b\f0\fs20 Jamorama:The cutting-edge guitar learning kit!\par
\ulnone The cutting-edge guitar learning kit with YOU in mind, \par
so that you will get immensely satisfying results FAST!\par
Jamorama is designed to be the easiest to follow system \par
for learning how to play the guitar available. It is \par
jam-packed with information, including 84 powerful \par
lessons, 54 cutting-edge video lessons, over 400 separate \par
sound files, the broadest range of jam tracks available \par
anywhere, 1000s of lines of tabulature AND step-by-step \par
instructions training you to play by ear, so you can play \par
virtually any song that you ever hear on the radio - this \par
is truly cutting-edge material!\par
$39.95 US\par
\lang1033\f0 http://jamoramaguitar.blogspot.com\lang3084\f1\par
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