On Mar 8, 3:29 pm, sensyujin <iamsoluc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What are the REAL requirements for becoming a permanent resident in
> Japan?
>    1. In principle, the person has stayed in Japan for more than 10
> years consecutively. It is also required that during his/her stay in
> Japan the person has had work permit or the status of residence for
> more than 5 years consecutively.

There is a fair amount of discretion placed in the hands of the
processing officials. For example with regards to the "10 years
consecutively", several of my friends obtained permanent residence
despite having a brief period on non-residence. In the longest case,
that was 18 months. (6 years residence, 18 months absence, followed by
8 years residence).

In my case I haven't applied for PR, am single, a company owner, with
toushi-keiei visa. 1 year residence in 1992/93, then 20 month absence,
then consecutive residence since December 94.