On Sat, 10 Apr 2004 03:34:02 +0900, Michael Cash  ...
>On 9 Apr 2004 08:19:22 -0700, Brett Robson <jet_boy@deja.com> brought
>down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>On Thu, 08 Apr 2004 12:18:56 GMT, Toshi  ...
>>>Kaz will defy ban on his filthy dump visit.
>>>Koizumi is a fascist because
>>>he vowed to continue his controversial visits to a war shrine 
>>>despite a court ruling that declared the pilgrimages 
>>you are boring.
>Your argument lacks content. Answer in the form of a syllogism.

no, my dictionary is out of reach.


Triangle Man hates Person Man
They have a fight,
Triangle wins.