In Jim <> wrote:
> wrote:

>>>My wife is Japanese.  If she gets an American passport and becomes an American,
>>>will she get BIG BOOBS?
>>>Please help.
>> Yes, they are issued during the naturalization process.

> Sweet Jesus!!!!  I'm going to have to get her down to one of those
> citizenship study sessions ASAP!

Well, there's a catch; they want to take "before and after" pictures.

> I can hardly wait to visit the in-laws... the relatives are gonna be
> pretty jealous when they see how American we've become!  Me, hung like
> the Hedgehog, and her, racked like a pr0n star.

Welcome to the "Great Satan". Enjoy your stay.

> Thank you, GW, for providing this service to immigrants.  And some people say 
> he's done nothing good since he's been in office.

Actually, it's an old law, it's just that they started enforcing it now.
Helps Ashcroft seperate "us" from "them".
