OK, I guess this should go to slj -- but anyway.
Ken, I tried out Kanjilab, and you're right, it's what I'm after. I already
picked up some readings I didn't know (or more likely had forgotten).
One annoying thing -- including the voicing variants in the readings. I
don't think you would ever expect to see ざかな、ぐさ、or ビャク for 魚、
草、 and 百 in a Kanji reference for Japanese -- because that's just part of
the language, not part of the Kanji.
And it's not even consistent -- for instance, there is no びと for 人.
You said you had a cleaned up file -- does it fix that sort of thing? Going
through and cleaning up the readings seems like a real pain. Otherwise I
think it could be very useful for me.
Ryan Ginstrom
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