"Declan Murphy" <declan_murphy@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Drew Hamilton wrote:
> > In article <k99j405j7lqk8g69g4ccnvo8ohipt45bkq@4ax.com>, Michael Cash
> >
> >>And just this evening at work
> >>the topic came up in regards to road rage our company's strict speed
> >>limit policy engenders in other truck drivers.
> >
> > Aren't the speed limits on the freeways crazy low, like 60 km/h?  The
> > time I saw one of the signs, I asked if it was a minimum limit.  Then I
> > it must be in MPH.  That would engender road rage in me...
> Yes they are crazy low, but usually well above 60 fortunately.

Low - but for pretty good reasons.  First - two lanes of traffic!  Second -
a hard shoulder that is not even the full width of a truck in many places.
Third - a central reservation across which you could reach and pull the nose
hairs from the nostril of an oncoming driver.  Fourth - hairpin bends that
would NOT be out of place on the Monaco Grand Prix street circuit.  Fifth -
tunnels, lots of them.  Sixth - huge weather and temperature differences
between the entrances of these tunnels and the exits.  Seventh - light 'kei'
cars.  Eighth - Japanese drivers suck.  Ninth - a country where products can
be advertised that will artificially keep you awake behind the wheel of a
vehicle when in fact common sense would dictate you stop at a parking area,
drink some coffee and take a catnap.   Tenth - so highway patrol office can
really 'tut tut' when you get caught breaking the speed limit.

Anyone here ever actually get pulled over on the expressway by a patrol car
in full livery - for excessive speeding and not for something like an unsafe
lane change?  If so then you deserved it.  Getting caught by a marked patrol
car is just poor driving on your part - now if it was an unmarked Nissan
Skyline I can sympathize - still - the absence of seat covers, rabbit fur on
the dashboard and the presence of two men in the front seat is a bit of a
giveaway.  Regular Skylines usually come standard with a bleached-blonde 18
year-old fashion-health 'veteran' in the passenger seat.  I'm saving up!
