Re: Cheap data storage needed
On Mon, 23 Feb 2004 06:40:54 GMT, Murgi ...
>Not a hard drive, etc.
>What I am looking for are between 300 and 1000 MB that can be accessed from
>any computer. I often receive large files from clients (30 to 60 MB) which I
>have to work on and then send back again (FTP).
>I don't want to split them up and be restricted by the other party's ISP
>space limits. The client can then download his files whenever he desires
>them without me assisting if something goes wrong.
>What are the best deals for this kind of data storage? Prices differ quite a
>bit as I know.
Are you willing to pay? Call Shige on 03 5276 5230
Triangle Man hits Person Man
They have a fight
and Triangle Man wins
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