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In article <iIlVb.421346$JQ1.242844@pd7tw1no>
        chr5111@nospam.invalid.com writes:
 |Path: news.yamada.gr.jp!newsfeed.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp!newsfeed.icl.net!newsfeed.fjserv.net!news.maxwell.syr.edu!c03.atl99!sjc70.webusenet.com!news.usenetserver.com!pd7cy2so!shaw.ca!pd7tw1no.POSTED!53ab2750!not-for-mail
 |From: chr5111 <chr5111@nospam.invalid.com>
 |Subject: I say we should give him what's owed.  -  was Re: ZJ2S71
 |X-No-Archive: yes
 |Newsgroups: fj.sys.x6800,fj.sys.x68000,fj.sys.zaurus,fj.test,fj.unix
 |Lines: 62
 |Message-ID: <iIlVb.421346$JQ1.242844@pd7tw1no>
 |Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2004 07:38:54 GMT
 |X-Complaints-To: abuse@shaw.ca
 |X-Trace: pd7tw1no 1076225934 (Sun, 08 Feb 2004 00:38:54 MST)
 |NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2004 00:38:54 MST
 |Organization: Shaw Residential Internet
 |Xref: news.yamada.gr.jp fj.sys.x68000:2231 fj.sys.zaurus:1864 fj.test:62592 fj.unix:10037
 |What better way to get even with a child pornography distributor than to
 |use  his 1-year-old baby daughter for an identity theft project, or even
 |making a "friendly" phone call to his home at 3:00 AM ?
 |Michael  Edwin Horwath, fired from Winternet for incompetence, presently
 |earns  a living  selling  access  to  a  server that distributes pirated
 |software, pirated  music, pirated videos and  child pornography. Horwath
 |resides  with  his  wife  Aileen Horwath (formerly known as Aileen Karen
 |Goodrich)  and  their  daughter, who  was born in 2002 and is also named
 |Aileen,  at  1901 Sumter Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427. The
 |home phone number of this titillating trio is (763) 540-6815.