Declan Murphy <> wrote:
> I'm currently in Hakodate freezing my gonads off, and about to head
> across to Sapporo for the snowfest thingee to err, continue the
> freezing. I'll be staying in Susukino for 4 nights and am thinking
> about dropping in to


> for at least 1 of them. Has anyone been there? Does it suck? If it
> does, any recommended alternatives?

Haven't been to that place, but almost anyplace in Sapporo this time
of year will be pretty drinking: that seems to be all these guys
do in the winter. One really nice thing about Sapporo (other than
Sapporans being friendly drunks) is that all the buildings, izakaya,
etc., are built for WARMTH. Indoors in a Sapporo winter is much warmer
than in Tokyo. 
