Re: Gradient of potential function of dynamic field
"Sergey Karavashkin" <> wrote in message
> Dear Colleagues,
> We open the new volume
> 4 (2004), issue 1
> of our journal
> "SELF Transactions",
> publishing a new paper
> " On gradient of potential function of dynamic field "
> *Abstract*
> We study the gradient of potential function of dynamic field and show
> that in dynamic fields the gradient of function divides into
> coordinate-dependent and time-dependent parts. We will show the
> standard expression connecting the electric field strength with vector
> and scalar potentials to be the consequence of this division of
> gradient in dynamic fields. Due to this, curl of gradient of potential
> function is not zero.
> Please enjoy reading full text:
> I hope, it will be interesting for many of you, and look forward to
> hear your opinion.
> Sergey.
As the "del factor" has the dimensions of per unit length,
the curl, grad, and divergence operations
do not of themselves introduce time into static equations,
but if vector space operations are performed on dynamic functions,
naturally time will be present in the equations.
Tom Potter
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