"Torben M Hansen" <fdddf@sdfs.df> wrote in message

> I want to bake some ryebread and for that I need a few ingredienses that I
> don't know where to get.
> So does anybody know the Japanese names for "butter milk"

"gomi", they have not the idea of keeping it. You have to go to farms to
get some.

The closer is the liquid from (real) yogourts, it goes out if you keep them
a while or put some in a strainer.
If you need the buttermilk for acidity (for soda bread), milk and  + lemon
juice * makes a subtitute.
If it's just for the taste the trick Ryan gave works. But since the cream
here is not raw, I don't know if the buttermilk would be sour enough or
contain enough bacteries for fermentation.

>and what I think is
> called "cracked rye seeds" (very lightly milled rye) and more important is
> it something that can easily be bought in Japan?

In good supermarkets and in all the Tokyu Hands they have 3 sorts of rye
flour, the one labelled as "rough" seem to be what you want. If you need the
whole grains, you should look for macrobiotic shops like the Anew chain
(they are far from cheap and the packs are very small).
If you don't find, there are specialty shops in Tokyo. I have a list

*Mix 25 cl half-skim milk + 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or cider vinegar.
Stir. Wait 5 minutes.