Re: Are crooked teeth "kawaii"
Raj Feridun hu kiteb:
> On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 19:00:49 +0900, "Fabian" <>
> wrote:
>> thegoons hu kiteb:
>>> In the December 2003 edition of "skywards" (Japan Airlines inflight
>>> magazine) is a 2-page spread advert for Sony Handycams. The model in
>>> the advert has shocking crokked teeth. Is this perceived as
>>> "kawaii"?
>> Well, it turns *me* on.
> Are you gentlemen referring to 八重歯 (double-teeth)? For me it
> depends a lot more on the face the teeth are in as to whether or not a
> person is "kawaii". I don't personally mind the 八重歯 however.
Im afraid so. She can be ugly as sin, but if her teeth are just so...
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