"another fool" <anotherfool@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> big guy and a good bit past hefty to boot.  My problem was people
> trying to run over my stroller and 4 month old - the guy who got
> pushed almost got his ass kicked when he almost knocked the stroller
> over then proceeded to give the wheel a kick as he was going past.  If

My basic rule is to carry the kid in situations like that. When he gets
about 10 that might be harder.

> Anyone who thinks the Japanese are polite and orderly has never been
> between a herd of them and the free food at a supermarket on Sunday
> afternoons - the second that free sample is put down you had better
> not be between them and the food...

Anonymous situations tend to bring out the worst in the Japanese. That's
true of human beings in general, but particularly of Japanese.

Ryan Ginstrom