Re: ODN - legit or twits?
"Scott Reynolds" <>, haber iletisinde sunlari
> On 12/20/2003 4:25 PM, Haluk Skywalker wrote:
> > Most of us do have our own domain. I have mine, but although I promote
> > well, I don't think it contributes much to my business. I keep it
> > it's like an essential, *gotta have* for a freelance translator.
> I disagree. I know of several freelance translators who have their own
> domains, but I know of many more who do not (or if they do are keeping
> it a secret).
> Now if you are running an agency, even a small operation, that would be
> something different. But I don't see any need for an individual
> freelancer to go to the bother of setting up and maintaining their own
> domain. I think it is quite sufficient to have an e-mail address from a
> well-known and reputable provider (ie, not AOL.COM, YAHOO.COM, or the
It is sufficient in a small market for a *common* language pair -such as
English - Japanese in Japan or English - Turkish in Turkey etc. But if
you're working on a language pair that is quite rare (such as Spanish -
Japanese in Japan or Japanese - Turkish anywhere) you'd have to be open to
new clients. Perhaps you'd have to look for new clients constantly.
So I think it depends on many conditions, including the language pair,
location, market, target clients (agencies or end clients?), and how
familiar (or perhaps obsessed) the translator with the computers etc...
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